ATTN: Former Players, Coaches, SeaGals, Officials! We need you!
We are looking for stories from YOU! I would like to personally invite you to join other players who have written to us with their stories! You may say as much or as little as you'd like; about life as a player or about life after football. You may tell stories or answer questions! It's up to you!Please let us know what it was like to be part of the expansion team, whether you made the final cuts or not. If you're not a 76er but would like to be featured on my site, we'd love to showcase your career as well! We want to hear from you!
Thanks a million to the players who have written thus far! We LOVED hearing from you!
Ernie Jones - Letters; Q&A
Dan Smith - Letters; Q&A
Art Kuehn - Letter; Q&A
Rocky Rasley - Photos and letters
Bob Penchion - Q&A
Neil Graff - Phone call with stories
Larry Shipp - Q&A with stories
Bob Newton - E-mail message
Jarvis Blinks - E-mail message
A Football Spouse - Q&A
Carl Barisich - Q&A with stories
Post '76ers:
Dave Krieg - Phone call, meeting and interview
SeaGal Melissa - E-mail
Joe Tofflemire - E-mail
Steve August - Letter; Q&A
If others would like to answer our questions, please feel free to copy them into an e-mail message with your responses and e-mail it to me. I'll get it posted as soon as I can! THANK YOU for helping us to make this site complete!
If you were part of the veterans allocation, how did you feel about being sent to an expansion team?
Who impressed you most on the team in that first season (you can name yourself!)?
Who was the funniest member of the team (ditto)?
Do you have a favorite game or memory from the season?
If you could summarise Jack Patera in one sentence, what would it be?
From the players' point of view, who were the inspirational team leaders in those years?
On the personal level, if you could pick the one team-mate you wanted next to you in a crunch because he inspired you, who would it be?
It's a cruel business, with players coming and going by the week. Is there anyone who sticks in your mind as someone who could have made it as a player but was unlucky enough to miss out?
Do you keep in touch with former players?
What are you doing these days?