If you were part of the veterans' allocation, how did you feel about being sent to an expansion team?
I was part of the allocation and quite frankly I was a bit surprised that I was not "protected" by the Browns and yet was pleased/proud that I was one of the relatively few "unprotected" veterans to be drafted.
Who impressed you most on the team in that first season (you can name yourself!)?
I was most impressed by the Nordstrom family. They were/are great people…first class all the way and it was a privilege to work for them. I remember several conversations with Bruce Nordstrom and especially remember the wonderful Christmas party he hosted for us (the team) at his home.
Who was the funniest member of the team (ditto)?
I loved Eddie Mac…I thought he was nuts and always enjoyed his ranting.
Do you have a favorite game or memory from the season?
One of the first exhibition games somewhere in nowheresville Washington a drunk came out on the field during the game, grabbed the ball and hunched over it on the ground mumbling incoherently…he probably didn't know he was in mortal danger since Mike Curtis was standing right next to me in the huddle and right over the drunk…of course Curtis was famous for running down and cold conking some other idiot who tried to steal the ball at a Colts game some years before. Ever the shit stirrer…I asked Curtis if he was going to put up with this crap…so Mike stepped back made a big show of winding up to kick the guy in the ass…laughing all the time…a big swing, a big miss, a big laugh and finally the cops got to the huddle and dragged the dopey drunk guy off to jail. All Mike would say afterwards was that he amazed himself at how calm he had gotten in his old age.
If you could summarize Jack Patera in one sentence, what would it be?
You wouldn't print it.
From the players' point of view, who were the inspirational team leaders in those years?
Hard to say…the place that first year was a revolving door with no stability. I personally gravitated to the older wiser guys…
On the personal level, if you could pick the one team-mate you wanted next to you in a crunch because he inspired you, who would it be?
Dave Tipton was my best friend on that team.
It's a cruel business, with players coming and going by the week. Is there anyone who sticks in your mind as someone who could have made it as a player but was unlucky enough to miss out?
No…but who knows…maybe they were the lucky ones…
Do you keep in touch with former players?
Not too often. There are a very few guys that I speak to semi regularly…none from the Seahawks. However over the years I have occasionally run into/spoken to several guys from the Seahawks. One of these days I am going to make an effort to reconnect either at a team reunion or just individually. There are lots of old teammates that I liked and would enjoy visiting with and catching up.
What are you doing these days?
I live in AZ with my wife of 40 years, Donna (she was pregnant with our first child Adam, that expansion year in Seattle) we have three kids…Adam, Blake and Carly all are married to wonderful people and they and their spouses are all gainfully employed. Donna and I have 4.5 grand kids…the .5 to become a whole 1 in July. We love being Gamma and PopPop. I am currently on disability leave rehabilitating after having a total shoulder replacement surgery at the end of November 2012. We are very lucky and blessed.
Read more about Carl Barisich!