No longer a child, not yet middle-aged, and still finding their place in the NFL world.
...the 30-year wall of silence is an impressive achievement for a League that leaks as a lifestyle.
He recommended Jack Patera enthusiastically for the Seahawks...
The letter C is coming soon!
The Seahawks used Williams’ local reputation as a promotional tool, as they would do (very briefly) with Ahmad Rashad.
The average Seahawk selected in the veteran allocation is 6-2, 222 pounds, just under 26 years old and is entering his fourth NFL season.
The Seahawks played the Rams...facing off against future Seahawk coaches Chuck Knox, Tom Catlin and Ken Meyer.
...management decided early to pursue coaches with no NFL head coaching experience.
Patera had the boldness to recruit 3 coaches with no NFL service...
...why was there no place for one of the ultimate local heroes of the early 1970s – Sonny Sixkiller?
Thompson may have looked on paper like a conservative and safe manager for a new team with first-time owners, but...
...reports from the camp are unclear as to who did the special team evaluations.
As a defensive coach, Jack Patera valued his linebackers.
Maybe we'll come up with something soon!
...nobody else on the Seahawks squad took their dislike quite to the extent of Ahmad Rashad.
The Nordstroms were an obvious possibility because of their wealth and local presence.
Approximately 14 members of that squad would never play for the Seahawks again.
A simple lesson in draft history is to list the fate of quarterbacks for several years before 1976.
Jack Patera was unable to take a single Redskin veteran from the allocation list.
...the Seahawks’ offense would be directed by 3 men who had 2 years of NFL experience between them
Terry Brown’s Seahawk career lasted less than 24 hours.
...we think this story might just have been a good Patera Prank!
While Patera had an inside edge on stocking his team with Vikings, he only chose one Viking from the allocation...
Character would clearly play a part...
Patera lived up to his code of we will tolerate you until we can replace you...
Yes! We will have something for Y eventually!
What more need we say?
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Technically, the Seattle Seahawks were born on June 4 1974. No longer a child, not yet middle-aged, and still finding their place in the NFL world.
After years of effort, scientific planning and professional analysis, and even with the will of their passionate fans, the Seahawks finally made their first Super Bowl to show that the venture has been worth the effort. Over a thousand hopeful players, coaches and staff have passed through the doors since 1975 for a total highlights package of one Hall of Fame member, one AFC Championship Game and one Super Bowl. The Seahawks have played try-anything-once, Ground Chuck, chuck-and-duck, the vertical stretch and the west coast offense. After years of living on Steve Largent and a loss to the Raiders, the balance sheet is only just starting to head in the right direction. A rational business would draw harsh conclusions. Actually, it would probably skip the conclusions and slit its corporate throat. But pro football isn’t a rational business. A game that can make adults bleed and cry lives on the dream that there’s always next week and there’s always next year. In Seattle’s case, they couldn’t even count on next year in 1974. The franchise came before the management; the management came before the players; and one player came before the coaches. So after taking 394 days from being born to signing a head coach, 1976 was going to be the half-year when everything had to happen. It’s not an unusual way to start a new sports business: pro football is rarely a model of conventional commercial practice. But the new Seahawks would embrace their unconventional birth and build a plan to please crowds and spin turnstiles. In the process, 100 or so people would be given the chance (or the pain) of saying I was present at the creation. This is a little bit of the story of how they did it.