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Featuring former
Sea Gal Melissa
What is it like to find out that you've been chosen to be one of the Sea Gals?
I was very proud of myself for making the squad, because it was the second time I tried out. Knowing that my hard work finally paid off was rewarding.
Was it intimidating to know you'd be performing in front of thousands of people?
No, because it was something I have always loved to do. To be able to perfom in front of thousands of fans was a once in a lifetime experience.
Were you nervous?
Every time, but always a good nervous! =)
When you became a Sea Gal, who was the first person you called to tell, and what was his/her reaction?
I called my finance at the time, and he was scared and wanted to get married right away! (For fear of losing me =)
When I interviewed the spouse of a football player, she told me that the Seahawks organization becomes your family because you spend so much time together. When you are a Sea Gal, does it feel like youre part of an extended family?
As a rookie, in the beginning, you are overwhelmed with all the events and commitments that you don't really get a chance to spend time with everyone as a family unit; however, by the end of the season, it definitely feels like a family.
What was your favorite part of being a Sea Gal, what is the most embarrassing thing that happened while you were a Sea Gal, who was your greatest inspiration while you were on the squad, and who is the most famous person you got to meet because of your connections with the Sea Gals?
My favorite part of being a Seattle Sea Gal was the children. Knowing that you are a role model, and that they look up to you, and you can put a smile on their face by just being you was a gift in itself. The most embarrassing thing that happened when I was a Sea Gal, was one time, I wasn't paying attention to the game, and heard that someone made a touchdown, and started to cheer...before I realized that it wasn't the Seahawks...I got a lot of funny looks for that one! The most famous person I met, was Warren Moon.
While we were at a charity auction, he aughtographed his own football card for the exchange student that was staying with my parents.
Ali has told us what a wonderful person you are, and we think its a terrific that youre involved in cheerleading camps. How has being a Sea Gal affected your life, and what makes you want to continue helping young ladies at cheerleading camps?
My role at cheerleading camps is focused on leadership skills. Cheerleading will always stay in your heart, but leadership skills you can take with you, and apply them throughout your life. Being a Sea Gal has affected my life in many positive ways. The experiences I have had from my Sea Gal days have carried with me throughout my life. It was the starting of my realization for my love of working with children. It was the start of my foundation in where I am now today, by being a para educator, and cheerleading coach.

What do you do to keep in shape, and how important is it to have a fitness routine and a good diet?
It is very important to have a fitness routine and a good diet, to not only stay healthy, but to also stay feeling young. I really enjoy my long walks spent with my five year old son.
Do you have any messages for young women in this diet-conscious world of ours today?
My advice would be to do what makes you happy, stay positive, and always love yourself first.
How did you deal with the pressures of being a Sea Gal?
I embraced it as much as I could, because there is nothing else to do about it. I focused on the positive attributes, and surrounded myself with positive people.
Did it take a lot of patience?
Not only from you, but from your loved ones as well.
Did you ever feel that it was too much?
No way. I never reached that point of feeling too overwhelmed.
If you could do it all again, would choose to be a Sea Gal for the 2007 season?
In a heartbeat!!!
Are you a fan of the Seahawks?
Most definitely! I have become more of a
Seahawks fan, since I was a cheerleader. The energy stays with me always.
The enthusiasm and excitement you get from being a fan, is still there.
you go to games?
What are you doing these days?
I work in a title one program, in an
elementary school, teaching children how to be stronger in reading and math.
Have you married?
Nope, not yet.
Do you have children?
Yes, I
have one son, who is five.
Would you want your daughters to become NFL
cheerleaders one day?
I do not have a daughter, but if I did, I would.
I would support her in any dream she desired!
Our special thanks to Ali for coordinating this interview with Melissa and for her enthusiasm! We invite you to read Ali's letter so that you'll know what we know -- that Sea Gals are INCREDIBLE!