I want to thank Dan Smith for taking the time to answer a few questions for us. It's always a pleasure to hear from former players, and especially the 1976ers! Thanks, Dan!
Who impressed you most on the team in that first season (you can name yourself!)?
Norm Evans-he played my same position and I learned a great deal from him.
Who was the funniest member of the team?
Ken Hutcherson-he ALWAYS had a smile on his face.
Do you have a favorite game or memory from the season?
The very first game against the 49ers. I get goose bumps writing this. With about five seconds left in the game we were on the 49er 40 yard line. Jim Zorn went back to throw a hail mary, everyone was covered, so he ran for the goal line. Time ran out and Jim got tackled at the two yard line. Although we lost by 7 points, the sell-out crowd in the Kingdome cheered us as if we had won. Jim Plunkett was the 49er QB and he had his usual good game. I was thrilled after growing up in Bremerton, that the NFL was finally in Seattle, and I was playing on the inaugural team. What a fond memory.
If you could summarize Jack Patera in one sentence, what would it be?
Hard nosed, firm but fair.
From the players' point of view, who were the inspirational team leaders in those years?
Jim Zorn, Steve Raible, Norm Evans, Dave Brown.
On the personal level, if you could pick the one team-mate you wanted next to you in a crunch because he inspired you, who would it be?
Norm Evans
It's a cruel business, with players coming and going by the week. Is there anyone who sticks in your mind as someone who could have made it as a player but was unlucky enough to miss out?
Do you keep in touch with former players?
A number of years ago I ran into Norm Evans at the Red Lion in Bellevue. It was fun to talk with him again. I haven't been in touch with any other former players.
Do you follow the Seahawks?
Yes I do.We invite you to read more about Dan Smith!