July 12, 1985 Rapid City, SD to Yellowstone
Eventually we drove out of the wicked storm and discovered Cody. Touristy but neat with cool houses and rental cabins in the mountains. We drove in and out of light rain but the drive was beautiful. THEN ... beauty smacked us right in the face! I had to fight back tears! Bob grinned from ear to ear. It started with a babbling mountain stream, then a small waterfall, and then -- tons of flowers burst into view. Pink, blue, red, yellow, lavender, white -- an explosion of beauty! And the smell was great -- real piney and sometimes like cedar, occasionally like berries! What a rush! Yellowstone is so neat!

We took the Lake Butte 1 mile scenic drive - a real pothole of a road - but it paid off. We saw a better-than-words-can-say panarama of Yellowstone Lake with the Tetons, Dot Island and the Absorokas as a backdrop. Lots of speedy chipmunks everywhere.

When there is a traffic jam at Yellowstone, you can expect to see wildlife. We stopped and heard a little boy say, "But Mom, this is the only bear we've seen in Yellowstone!" That caught our attention span! It was greater than the greatest! A grizzly! A couple of tourists started walking towards it and my heart pounded but it wasn't interested in them. Just to be on the safe side though, I stayed in
                  the car!!                  [continue reading...]