No. 12 Fan

Seahawks Fan For Life
By David Racchini, Pittsburgh, PA

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I consider myself one of the biggest Seahawks fans ever. I have confidence that I may be the youngest dedicated fan. Right now, I'm 18, but I've liked the Hawks since I was 6. I actually have a photograph from when I was younger, and I had a jersey on. I think that my story is unique. I live near Pittsburgh, and my parents and brother are Steeler fans. But for some reason, 12 years ago I decided to make my team the Seattle Seahawks. I call it destiny.

I can never find enough info about them. I surf the internet every day, reading all sorts of articles. During the season, I watch the games from a friend's satellite dish.

I have a couple of life-long dreams. I've read so much about how Randy Mueller started out as a ballboy for the Seahawks. I, myself, was a ballboy for a nearby University, IUP, for about 5 years. Actually, IUP is the alma mater of Jim Haslet, the coaching candidate for the Hawks.

Anyway, I dream that someday I'll be associated with the Hawks, and end up in the front office.

Second, I've always wanted to attend a Seahawks game in Seattle. I cannot imagine the rush I would get when my savored Hawks ran out the tunnel, with 50,000 fans screaming their heads off.

One of the best times of my life was this year, when I had the opportunity to attend my first Hawks game, which was in Pittsburgh. I could only get tickets from my golf coach, whom is a Steeler fan. I wore my Watters jersey down and sat amongst a whole load of Steeler fans. I got heckled the whole game, booed at when I cheered, and I was heart-broken when they lost. Although I wish the outcome would've been different, it was a memory that I will keep with me the rest of my life.

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