No. 12 Fan

Mr. Seahawk
By Tony Montoya, Wheatland, WY

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I'm a 39 year old Seahawk fan living in the shadow of the Denver Doncos...I have been a Hawk fan ever since the teams existence. I never liked the Broncos...Never! We had friends visiting from Washington. They were all excited about their expansion team and it rubbed off on me. I live in Wyoming. About 3 hours from Denver. I have gone to many Seahawk, Donco games. I proudly wear my Hawk paraphenalia even though I know I'll be the target of hot dog wrappers and beer cups. Bronco fans have to be the worst fans in the NFL.

My heart sank when Dennis Erickson took over the coaching job. As you know, Erickson coached in Wyoming for a short time. I don't blame a person for leaving a job if its going to further their career, or if it is their "dream" job as Denny put it...but it's the way he left Wyoming. Absolutely no class. That man is a loser in my book. So, as you can imagine I caught alot of flack from my fellow Wyoming Cowboy fans. I still loved my Hawks...but I sure had a bad taste in my mouth for Erickson.

Now things are looking up. I enjoy giving my Bronco adversaries crap. The dance is over for the Doncos, their just too damn dumb to realize it. I will someday make the trip to Seattle and catch a home game. I will wear my Hawk attire and not worry about getting hit with projectiles. I look forward to the tailgate parties. One of these days.......One of these days. I have three children ages 8,10 and 11. All three are devoted Hawk fans. We'll be watching on the dish...Go Hawks!!!

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