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The time has come the time is near
The entire NFL cowers in fear.
The cause of this fear, yes there's a source
Is a young team of incredible force.
Their era of dominance surely has come
Although this is hard to admit for some.
No matter what is said I know it is true
1998 is the year for the green, gray, and blue.
With Moon at the helm the offense is steady
And with past experience this man is ready.
The defense is sound and won't give an inch
The AFC title is surely a cinch.
The history began with an icon named Steve
with him in the lineup we had to believe.
Heartbreaks of the past, they pricked like a thorn
But we weren't discouraged we still had Jim Zorn.
Ground Chuck came along and brought Kreig and Warner
And often run run pass punt backed our team in a corner.
Through all the good times and bad, as fans we endured
Finally we're here victory seems almost assured.
Miami is the location, the event is the bowl
With a roster like ours it can be our only goal.
When we do reach this test, we will not flunk it
Hell we would have done it in 83 had it not been for Plunkett.
Let me take you back to that fateful day in eighty-eight
It was a day I remember a day I do hate.
The opponent was Houston and the game was hard fought
In the end it was ruined the referee had been bought.
Freddie's play it was great, it was clearly a pick
When the ref waved it off I almost got sick.
Zendejas came on for his little chip shot
A fair and just victory it certainly was not.
For a true blue Hawks fan disappointments have been many
Not the least of which being the early retirement of Kenny.
We still march on, and we take it in stride
Nothing can waver our strong Seahawk pride.
So I await January of the year ninety-nine
When jubilance and bragging rights will surely be mine.
Miami will be great oh what a setting
I'll rake in the cash through some mass betting.
So bring it on Elway, Favre and the rest
It will soon be apparent who is the best.
I will root for my Hawks, I will cheer with a roar
For this is the year that the mighty Seahawks soar.