No. 12 Fan

About Me
By Kevin Greene

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I thought it was funny when I read your "about me" section. I live in New England, born and raised in Rhode Island, now I live in New Hampshire and work in Massachusetts. So as you know, no one understands how I can be such a huge Seahawks fan. I tell them all the story of how when I was about 10, I fell in love with the uniforms. Then as I watched the team (always highlights only out here) I made Steve Largent my idol... since then, I've been a loyal fan.

Just thought the coincidence was funny, and I wanted to let you know what a great page you have......Thank God for the internet....before it was almost impossible to get any current info on the team, never mind any merchandise. I am a much more knowledgeable and "well-dressed" fan now.......Thanks again.....

Kevin Greene

(no, I do not play for Carolina...haha...I get that all the time)

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