No. 12 Fan

Raider Memories
By Mikal Hedrick

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I was at a Raider vs. Seahawk game in 1996 and the final score was Seattle 42 - Raiders 10. It was almost a shutout until the 4th quarter.

It was 4th quarter with about 7:59 left in the game and the score was Seattle 42 - Raiders 3. It was 4th down Raiders ball on their own 46 I believe. They snaped the ball, pitched the ball to their running back 5 yards behind the line of scrimmage. He tried to jump over the line but I think it was Sam Adams that met him in the air and stuffed him about 6 yards back. I thought it was over for their running back, but he popped back up after about 5 sec.

Well I guess thats one of my about 34 stories.

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I was at the Dec. 20th game, Hawks vs. Colts I was one of the loudest fans there. 200 level gets a little loud after I've been there for about 5 minutes. I have never heard the kingdome that loud with it being that empty. I couldn't believe that the game was that close but I guess it was. It's pretty cool to see the Hawks come back with a couple seconds to go.

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