No. 12 Fan

Another Seahawk Voice
By Andy Hanley, Belfast, Northern Ireland

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I cannot claim to know the most about the Hawks, to have seen the most games, or have bought the most collectibles. In fact, if truth be told, I have never been to a Hawks game and have bought only three team caps in the time I have supported the Hawks. The reason for this is not because I am called Scrooge, or because I am not a devoted is because I am stuck in Ireland!!

I can sympathise with other fans from around the world, like those in Australia. The game of American football here is rarely televised, briefly publicised and enjoys almost no public attention. In these ways, I have been oppressed for almost four years now, and it is only thanks to the Internet and fantastic pages like Becky's that I can get the info about my team that I need.

I became interested in American football just as I was finishing high school, and it was not until university that I followed it closely. The Seahawks appealed to me as a team for many reasons - they were an underdog (I always support the less favourite teams), they had heart and courage like no other team, but probably most important, was that they were founded in the same year I was born - in other words they are they same age as me.

Unfortunately, this means I missed what has to have been the best years for the Hawks, when Steve Largent was catching passes and the Playoffs were more than a hope. However, it has given me a chance to watch one of the most astounding and great teams of the NFL. The commitment of players like Cortez Kennedy, Joey Galloway and Winston Moss (when he was LB), the determination of the veterans like Steve Broussard and Warren Moon; - even Rick Mirer and Chris Warren brought something to the Seattle team (two players who sometimes get an unfair press in my opinion). The team as a whole seem devoted not to salary caps and personal gain, but to the Seahawks, the fans and the city - in fact, I don't think any other team gives as much back to the community and the fans as Seattle does.

So, the Seattle Seahawks are definitely my team. I love watching them play on tv, and have all five full games that were on tv recorded which I watch again and again. My favourite Seahawks moment was in the first game of the last season (98/99). It was against Philadelphia and Ricky Watters was getting a hard time from the fans. The team came out to show the critics that the raw talent they possess was a worthwhile contention for Champions. Shawn Springs (who I felt so sorry for when he couldn't play for most of his rookie season, and I think is one of the better players on our team) intercepted an Eagle pass in outstanding style, and ran it all the way to the endzone for a Seattle touchdown. The best part was, the game had been shown live here, and I knew that I was shouting and cheering by myself in my front room, I was just another voice cheering around the world for our Seahawks.

So now, under Mike Holmgren, I really think that the turn of the millenium will be the turn of the tide for the Hawks and a championship is definitely there for the taking. I only wish I could find more Hawks merchandise to buy as I only have a 1993 Media Guide, a sticker and one offical 98 sideline cap (which I wear constantly); and if some people dream of fast cars, big houses and bucket loads of cash, I'll dream of sitting in the new Kingdome, adding my voice to the cheers of a thousand others as the Seahawks are crowned AFC champions, earn their rightful place at a Superbowl and soar with the greats. Watch out NFL, the Hawks are coming...and I'm right with them. :]

Andy (21, from Belfast, Northern Ireland)

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