July 12, 1985 Rapid City, SD to Yellowstone
Left Rapid City after another great breakfast at Perkins. They have the Thrilling Three which is 3 eggs, 3 bacon, 3 sausage, 3 cakes, toast and juice. They also have the Fab 4, Fantastic 5, Sensational 6, Heavenly 7 and Irresistible 8! Wow!

Passed a sign that said Bear Butte State Park. Having a juvenile moment, Bob wanted to moon me by the sign (Bear Butte, bare butt...) but we missed the exit. What a shame! Debated going to Devil's Tower but we missed that exit too and decided not to backtrack. We did catch the scenic overlook from miles away, however.

Wyoming has great highways. Gillette is a neat little town with an abundance of antelope. We had a 20 minute construction delay so we got out and visited with an elderly couple from Utah. It was a beautiful 68 degrees in the mountains! Tensleep Creek and Canyon was a pretty neat site.

Around Worland it became overcast and rainy; the scenery turned UGLY; the wind whipped wildly! I walked in and out of Taco Johns empty-handed after smelling the odor in the Vietnamese/Mexican restaurant. A&W was awful but at least we recognized the food. A pickup
                  drove by, kicked up a rock and chipped our windshield. Worland has been dubbed
                  Warland: Point of No Interest!       [continue reading...]