We were just about to the site of the wild ponies when there was another animal in the roadway. I knew this time that it wasn't a wild pony, and I also knew that it wasn't deer or antelope.

It was a bloody cow!!! Seriously! It stopped in the roadway, as did I, and it gave me a good, long look! It didn't appear to have any flesh wounds (hide wounds?), rather it looked as though it found a blood puddle and rolled around, splashing a bit. It was FREAKY!!!

I took a different route home. I didn't want to mess with the Great Bend detour after dark so I drove to Ness City and headed north to Interstate. All of the sudden there were bluffs! Lots of them! Limestone bluffs! It was very scenic! For about 5 miles. Then the bluffs were gone and the fields appeared again. Well, it was fun while it lasted.

We drove over Big Creek, which wasn't big, but then I got to thinking about it ... isn't a creek, by the very nature of it being a creek, small? I think it should be called Big for a Creek, or Big as Creeks Go, This Really Isn't a Big Creek After All or something more appropriate like that just to clear up any confusion!

            I hit the city limits of Wakeeney, but they don't call them the city limits there. They
                  call them ... ready for this ... the Urban Boundary! Someone is terribly clever!
                  [continue reading...]