Aaron drove down to where I was and I asked him if he had time to show me around. I suspect he didn't, but he was gracious anyway. I parked my car on the side of the road where the flagger told me to, and got into Aaron's pickup. I was glad I hadn't worn the white capris I'd considered wearing. I was kicking myself for forgetting to bring real shoes - I was wearing sandals.

Aaron drove right up to the equipment and down into a very steep ditch. My eyes must have been as wide as saucers because I thought we were going to roll the pickup!!! I was scared!!!! Aaron wasn't even noticing that I'd turned white and my heart was pounding. He apparently takes ditches like that all the time. Gulp!!! He drove alongside the equipment (at a dangerously steep angle!) and explained how it all works. He asked if I wanted to get out. Yes, of course. I was hoping he meant on the road, but no. We got out in the ditch. Mind you, I'm wearing sandals and the ditch has weeds up to my neck! I asked Aaron if there were any snakes in the ditch and he said he'd answer me after I got back into the pickup!!!! Gulp, gulp. I waded through the ditch weeds and climbed the steep embankment to the equipment. Fire was shooting out, smoke was pouring out, it was hotter than hot. The asphalt we walked on behind the equipment was almost liquid - we were sinking in with every step. (There goes that pair of sandals!) He had me right out there in the dust and the dirt and the smoke and the fire and the grime. I loved it but cripes, it was some nasty
          work!! If you want to gain an appreciation of a smooth road, spend a couple of hours out
                    there with the crew. Those guys earn their keep!       [continue reading...]