No. 12 Fan

I love the Seahawks!
Jimmy, Aurora, Illinois

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How I became a Seahawk fan:

I am from Hershey, Nebraska. It is a small town where, like all towns in Nebraska, Cornhusker football is king. One summer when I was four years old we took a family vacation to Seattle to see family. My cousin who lived there, Eric, liked the Seahawks and since I wanted to be really cool like Eric, I started liking them too. Ever since then, I have always proudly followed the Seahawks.

Evidence of my faithfulness to the Seahawks:

1. Growing up, I had an aunt who worked at a sports store in a nearby town. I would always pester her about being able to get Seahawks attire. To my disappointment, she would always tell me that in order to stock an item, at least a dozen or so of the same item had to be ordered so she wouldn't be able to get things. I still have a Huddle Seahawk that I was given. Thank you, aunt Janet!

2. I have a 14' X 8' Seahawk logo on my ceiling. Friends tell me they would be scared to sleep in my bed having that big eye staring at them.

3. Every room in my apartment displays at least one Seahawk logo on something.

4. My cubicle at work is enamored with Seahawk collectibles. I have three Seahawk ties that I frequently wear. I think people worry about me. One day a customer asked if I liked the Seahawks. My coworker immeditely said, "No. He LOVES the Seahawks."

5. I am pleased to now be a member of the Seahawker Family by sending in this story and having it appear on Becky's Seahawk Page.

Favorite Alltime Players: Steve Largent, Curt Warner
Coolest players: Any from Nebraska (Ex: Ahman Green)
Fear for stadium: Corporate naming (Ex: Sears Stadium, BASF Field, Duracell Dome, etc.)
Fears for future: Change in logo, colors
Preference for realignment: Options with Broncos, Raiders, and Chiefs.
Hope: To find more Seahawk fans here in Illinois

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