No. 12 Fan

The Night After...
By Duane Trone

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My first trip to Seattle was in 1994 to see the Seahawks play Pittsburgh in Husky stadium. I'm lucky enough to have an aunt and uncle who have had season tickets since 76 and you cannot get any better seats than they have, 12 rows off the field and on the 50.

Well my story starts after we crushed the Steelers 30-13. The night after my girlfriend and I ate supper on top of the space needle and when we were done we took a walk outside and I proposed to her. Thankfully she said yes and afterwards we went to F.X.'s and there sitting were players Dean Wells, Carlton Gray, and a couple of other players. I really could not believe that the guys I watch every week were right in front of me!! Well I got to meet a couple of them and I got a poster signed. Some of them had a little too much to drink, but they were still fun to talk to. Well, that's my story.

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