No. 12 Fan

Road Trip!
By George Deweese, West Virginia

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I am a die hard Seahawk fan and have been since Seattle was issued a franchise......I was only 11 then but knew I had to be a Hawker. I had played pee wee football since I was 5 and was and still am a football nut, but I never really liked to watch the standard teams that were being televised and since I lived in southern WV I had to watch the hapless bungles(yuk) almost every after the Seahawks started drafting I was really impressed with some of the players that they had chosen-mainly Kenny Easley- and then Jim Zorn......and to my delight a couple years later a GREAT!!! runner, Curt Warner-from Pineville,WV. I even had several chances to see him play against the area high school teams and really make them look rather foolish.....that really cinched my devotions to the Seahawks! If a guy so close to my little home town could make to the big league, NFL, things were going right...I listened to all of the criticism about not making playoffs in the bad years and I cherished every minute in the winning seasons...but the 3 greatest sporting events of my life were actually seeing a game in person...we were playing in Pittsburgh and I gladly made the trip in the frigid November temp in all my Seahawk garb right down to the boxer short.....and believe me that really takes a lot of guts in the rabid Pittsburgh setting. I was lucky enough to have the endzone seats where most of the game's action really occurred. We lost the game but 2 memories were of Tez slamming Bubby Brister down to the turf with 1 hand- and it's true Bubby's Bounce!!!! After the game I waited for the chance to get an autograph or 2, God it was cold!!! Especially in the t-shirt that I was having the players sign while it was on my back. 2 players, Andy Heck and Rufus Porter were really cool about signing my back even though the pen almost froze and barely even wrote.... on to adventure 2...I was able to get opening day tix for Seattle vs Washington at RFK and as everybody knows it's nearly impossible to get a ticket let alone try to get a pair on opening day-and with luck on my side the 200 mile trek was like driving across town, another chance to see the Seahawks. This was wonderful too, not only do we beat the Redskins at home but my favorite player since Curt Warner is willing to sign my sacred #96-that's right TEZ himself--I'm standing in the huge crowd of unfaithfuls just screaming for anybody to sign something but only 1 auto would do for me and when the big man walked out of the tunnel to the buses I fought my way to barrier line, held up my jersey and the man smiled.....I knew it would happen, sure enough one of the trainers came over to ask what I wanted and I gleefully handed him the jersey for the magic marking to begin...idiots all around me wanted to know who he was-I knew the greatest nose in all defensive history......I smiled all the way back home and the 3 hours of sleep before I had to go to work the next day was enough rest! Like I had slept for 10 hours knowing I'd met the TEZ.......and the 3rd pleasure was the 150 mile drive to the NFL Shrine-Canton Ohio....this time I was only able to get 1 auto but Rick Tuten was a pleasure to meet and again even though it was pre-season and we lost to the Vikes it was a pleasure to make the this year I plan to make a 4th sighting in person if I can get lucky enough to get tix for the game in Pittsburgh this fall....maybe if I get lucky enough I can get to talk with a couple of the guys before they have to trek back home to the Dome........a proud fan since the first announcement and a fan for life hoping that 1 day I can travel to my mecca-the Seahawks home field-a dream that with luck will come soon even though I'm on the opposite coast...GO HAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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