No. 12 Fan

A True Fan
By Mikel Tulp, Bellingham, WA

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The first football game I ever watched was the 1984 AFC championship. It was the Seattle Seahawks and the Oakland Raiders. I was only eleven years old and from that point I've been a Seahawk fan ever since.

Every fall and early summer I spend alot of my free time analyzing their upcoming opponents and their strengths and weaknesses. I was there in 1992 when we went 2-14, I was there when the Seahawks lost their last playoff game to the Oilers, I was there for the Rick Mirer episodes and on Opening day 1997 I was actually there. In the Kingdome with my newly purchased season tickets. You see I had lived in Montana my entire life and through the national student exchange program I was able to attend Western Washington University in Bellingham. It was a great new start for me. Being so close to the city of Seattle that I loved and having excellent endzone seats. So there I was the first day . Like many others I was expecting a huge win. Bill Parcells brought in his Jet team that had been 1-15 the last year and with the Seahawks owner Paul Allen bringing in free agents like Willie Williams, Chad Brown and Warren Moon good things were going to be happening that day. I had on my newly bought jersey that had a #96 on it and as the game got off I was in quite an exhilarated mood. But........ The game ended in the score JETS: 41 SEAHAWKS: 3. I was disappointed, but on the drive back to Bellingham I listened to KIRO A.M. and was preparing for the next weeks game. The Broncos.

Being a true fan to me means forgetting quickly when something bad happens and getting ready for the next week. Something that I'm sure the Seahawk players to do. This 1999 season will once again be one of high hope for fans and players alike. Kitna is yet unproven, but the way I saw him play last season I think he'll be an overachiever.

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