No. 12 Fan

It's Easley!
By Robert Bross, Brookfield, OH

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I live 45 minutes North of Pittsburgh... Everyone around me wears Black and Gold.... I have to tell you that I have been a Seahawks fan for over 20 years. No Lie. I grew up with Steeler fans everywhere, let me tell you, it was hard, because at that time, the Steelers were at their best... Well, becoming a young man (I am 30 now) I got more involved with sports.. So, one night, I was not feeling well at all, I had a terrible case of Mono... I could not eat, drink , practically do anything, except sleep and watch TV.. I was laying on the sofa , asked my parents if they could turn on Monday Night Football (They were not fans , really only liked baseball) so I could watch this one guy that everyone was writing about... Kenny Easley. The only reason that I even thought about watching it was, he was a brutal hitter and he wore my #45. Well, to say the least, Patera was coach then.. The team was not that bad. The running game at that time was Doornik and Brown. The only passing play I think that the Seahawks had was a post-flare from Zorn to Largent. Anyways, the game was close, the Blue Wave gets a turnover and Herrera manages a fake field goal pass from Zorn to win the game with minutes left... It was breath taking, I said to myself, what a team! Nobody liked them, they were new, coming on National TV and showing as much heart and character as I have ever seen... It is so hard following the hawks...I log on to www.seahawks, Becky's site here... I recently moved to Ohio, I rent, so, I am unable to watch the games like I used to with my neigbors Sat. service... So, here is the next big move. I am flying to Seattle for a long weekend and to catch a game... I will be going by myself, wondering if there are any fans that have a party? So, in 99 I will be in the Wonderful City of Seattle to see my dream team! I cannot wait. A lifetime-dream come true. I believe that Seahawks fans are the greatest in the world, they have zero-exposure... They need more, I am sure that they will get it now.. Here is an interesting note... Have you noticed how long it has been since the Seahawks have been on Monday Night Football, my guess that it is at least 5 years.. Well, I must go, you run a great site. My name is Bob, but, everyone here calls me by my last name, it is Bross. Take care, have a great life , these veins bleed blue and green here.

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