If you think Brian Bosworth is da bomb, you're at the right place!
Tell us why you admire him and why you think he was worth all the money Seattle paid for him. If you've met him, tell us what you thought about him! If you want to meet him, tell us why. We want to feel the love on this page!!
From: Bjohn1106@aol.com
Sent: Sunday, July 11, 2010 6:11 PM
Subject: Brian Bozworth...........
You know a lot of people don't realize how smart Bozworth was............very good student at OU and he basically made a lot more money by marketing an image (the Boz) rather than just being a highly drafted college football player.
He not only had football skills but he also had brains....................
In those days think of all those hits he took on those shoulders at OU playing for free............
From: Gary Atchley
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 5:00 PM
I am also a big Bosworth fan. My parents use to send me to the Barry Switzer football camp in the mid 80’s. Of course I had the 44 Blues gargoyle sunglasses and shocking as it may be I still have them in mint condition, not a scratch on them. I met Brian at an autograph show in Houston 2 weeks ago and he was so very nice. He personalized my helmet for no additional charges. I showed him the glasses and he laughed, said his nephews are looking for a pair. If anyone knows how to get in touch with him I would love to send them the sunglasses. I would rather someone in his family have them then sit on a shelf and collect dust.
Take care, Gary Atchley
From: Harold Scott, Jr.
Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 4:20 PM
My name is Harold Scott Jr. "Jamie" I am 31 now but ever since I was like 8 or 9 Brian Bosworth has been my Hero, "Yes I use the word Hero." after reading the boards on this page I sit back and think what was it with Brian that he just touched so many people? You hear people talk about "THAT THING" well I think Brian has "THAT THING". Friends and Family ask why do you like Brian Bosworh so much? And well now that I'm older I think it was the passion not just for the game but life. I'm all over the net. and I see a lot of negative things about Brian like Draft Bust and I ask everyone look on Youtube at some of his Highlights he was no bust he got hurt. Bo Jackson "Ran him over" Did anyone see the play Brian had to try to make tackle from the side on man running full speed. I played Football that's hard to do "BOZ did not let him go." That stuff is all anti-BOZ propaganda. Now back to the good stuff. All of us on this page or anyone who checks this page out, "We all have a little BOZ in all of us." Lets give back to Brian. Start by telling your kids, your little brothers and sisters of a real life super hero, Tell them about THE BOZ. Tell your friends why you like the man Brian Bosworth. Lets find away to help get him in the college Hall Of Fame. Lets help make Brian apart of football again.
Thank You Becky
From: sventerrischot
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2009 8:48 PM
Brian Bosworth was a very special athlete. Yes he was very brash, open and charismatic. Todays athletes are so pampered it is sickening. At least Boz gave the effort every game all game long. . After going back in time and viewing his actual ability while playing the 2 and 1/2 years for the Seahawks I noticed 1 thing.Watch his leadership ability and his drive. The man was everywhere one the field. You tube has video footage of him and it is just amazing. People get way to overly critical of the Bo Jackson run. It really was not any thing spectacular as Bo ran over many others much worse. Boz at least got to him as the rest of the defense just rolled over. Watch Bo video and he inihilated many Linebackers and safeties. Brian led the team with tackles for both years. He truley could play. I wish his body held out. Look around, many players careers are over before they get going. I am just glad to have watched him play, even for only a couple of years.
From: Ray
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 7:16 PM
As a fan of the Seahawks, I was sceptical of "The Boz" coming to Seattle.
As a fan of the Seahawks, I was glad he did.
He was not happy playing for Seattle but I think he did the best he could for the team. He was very vocal about wanting out but again, he, in my opinion, played the best he could.
The media, allbeit Brian's own fault, was hard on him but I don't think many people realized that he was playing with one arm. Painfull? I'd say it was. Hard to live up to expectations when you can't use one arm. But he showed up everyday to fullfill his contract.
To say I am a fan of his? I am now. I would love to just shake the man's hand and say thank you for what you did for my team.
From: Patrick (Boz 2)
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 11:57 AM
Subject: An 80's hero!
I needed the spirit that the Boz brought to the 80’s; he helped me through some very difficult times by his courage that he showed in his own life. I bought his book, his poster, and his shirt. His rookie football card is still one of my most valuable treasures! I loved everything about Bosworth. He was a great athlete and a very bright individual. His grit and power on the football field was awesome! He went through living hell in Seattle, and prevailed through all of it. His play at Oklahoma was still the best performance of any linebacker in the history of the NCAA. No one has even equaled the entrance into the NFL that Bosworth made; he was that special and anointed. Once in great while God will bring someone like the Boz into the public eye to enjoy; it was a blast while it lasted- but my memories of him will never fade. There will never be another Brian Bosworth; thank you Brian for showing us how to live a fun life in a sometimes horrible world. You backed up everything you said with honest effort. Some people never will have the guts to speak their hearts; you showed us how it was done.
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 9:35 AM
Subject: the boz
i lived in Seattle when the boz came to play for us and i have to say he was
great . the reason for the email is to talk about the best marketing ploy
ever in any professional sport . his no boz t-shirts that he released to the
Denver broncos . all i can say is priceless.
PS any idea where i can get one of the shirts? thanks for your help
may "the boz " live on forever
From: Vanessa Voigt
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2008 10:45 AM
Subject: Love Bosworth
I am a huge football fan and liked Bosworth, he was one tough player. I now build custom football figures, let me know if your interested.
You may already know someone that builds these, just thought it would be neat to build a Bosworth figure. Take care, Vanessa Voigt
From: Downum, Pam
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 9:00 AM
Subject: The BOZ
I am a huge OU football fan I’ve loved watching them play since the mid 70’s…….I loved watching the BOZ and like you said, you either loved him or you hated him. I also saw a much softer and grown up Bosworth on a commercial for a product sold by Gabriel Communications. It was a Sooner’s Legends Reunion DVD set. The link is below. Bosworth apologized to everyone there saying he felt that he had shamed the program and for that he was sorry. It was very touching, made me love him even more.
From: James Bell
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2007 3:59 AM
Subject: The Boz
I am lucky enough to have met The Boz as a wide eyed kid when he played at Oklahoma (with my own imitation of his haircut of course!) and to have spoken with him in the years since the hype died. He was, and continues to be, much more down to earth than anyone would have dreamed when he was playing his character "The Boz". I don't know the name, but there is a DVD series of OU football legends sitting around talking- his attitude on those videos shows the real man.
He knew his shoulders were done- that's why he left after his Junior year in college. Trying to make the money while it was still there to be made. The "steroids" in his system were given to him by a physician as a result of the shoulder issue. The NCAA then banned them and tested him- and of course he failed.
One way or the other, he won the Butkis twice. He was the first player to win the award. Some believe the award was created because there needed to be a way to recognize him.
To this day I have my Gargoyle sunglasses and 44 Blues gear. He will always be my favorite athlete.
From: James Sabin
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2007 2:38 PM
Subject: boz
The Boz was what he was. He played well at times and the whole Bo Jackson thing was over exposed. Bo Jackson could have ran over anyone and the angle of the tackle was in favor of Bo. The whole thing is stupid. I believe Bosworth could have been a great play. At football Camp in 8th grade my best friend met Dave Wyman a Seattle line backer who would go on to be a solid player after Bosworth and who played with him said to my friend that the Boz did steroids and that roids can also effect your ageing process. So if that is true he said that his shoulder became the shoulder of a 50 year old man and it just would not heal. I don’t think wrong of him for doing Roids a lot of guys did them its not like he was the first. I think he may have just grown a little tired of all of the crap around him as well and some of that probably most of it was self created but the media as we all know has a way of twisting and enticing athletes into throwing fits and such. He played well was injured and never recovered but for arm chair quarter backs to knock his play is really childish.
From: N Espinosa
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2007 8:11 PM
Subject: The Boz
First off let me start by saying I currently live in the Big D, Denver, Colorado. I was born and raised here and will live here till I die. And yes of course I am a Die Hard BRONCO fan. I bleed Orange and Blue. With that said, let me surprise you and tell you how big of a Boz fan I am too. He was at OU being the baddest college LB of all time when I was in High School. Just to give you a little background on me, I played football from the age of 6 to all through High School. I have loved and studied the game my whole life. I currently coach my sons competitive 4th grade team. Anyway, the reason I am such a big fan of the Boz is because of the level at which he played the game, his skill, his passion, and also his business since. I thought it was the funniest thing ever when he sold them Anti Boz T-shirts here in Denver and everywhere else he played. A lot of football fans don't know that when he was at OU, not only did he win the Butkis award, but he had the most votes ever for a Defensive player to get the Heisman Trophy!
N Espinosa
From: warren vanzandbergen
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 4:36 PM
Subject: Love Bosworth
Just found this web site and its awesome. Ive always been a fanatical boz fan. Does anyone know how to get old sooner and seahawk game tapes?
warren v.
[Web author's note: I can attest to his sincerity! Boz44 is part of his email address!]
From: Brad Norton
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2007 6:31 PM
Subject: the boz
I enjoyed your site. Have always been a "Boz" fan !
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 5:59 PM
Subject: Love Bosworth
From: Jeff Ainsworth
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 5:54 PM
Subject: The Boz
Brian Bosworth and His Alter Ego the Boz have always been and will always be one of my favorite personas. I wish he had a site selling autographs cause I would be first in line to buy them. I know many people didn't like him but I could care less about them I think and still do think he is great!
From: Roop
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 9:06 AM
Subject: the boz
Brian Bosworth is the the best college linebackef of all time and one of the best college players of all time (two time all-american and two time butkus award winner). His pro career was cut short because of bad shoulders. His movies are not the best but once a Boz fan always a Boz fan . I am just glad i'm able to find info. out about him, keep it coming.
From: Sorrells Brenda
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 12:08 AM
Subject: PHOTO
I have a photo of Brian when he played for OU. I think this picture was taken in '85. Either my cousin or my boss took this photo. Just thought you might like to have it.
Note: Click on photo for larger view. Thanks for sharing the picture, Brenda!
From: steve powell
Sent: Sunday, October 08, 2006 3:03 PM
Subject: Bosworth
Hello there, let me first say how much i enjoyed your website, very well done. I have been a Brian Bosworth fan for many years. I have been looking for game tapes & videos of Brian Bosworth while with the Seahawks. I have been unable to locate any in the past. Was hoping you might know where i could purchase these. Thank you very much for any possible help you might be able to provide me. Have a nice weekend.
[Personal to Steve: Please contact me again. A viewer wrote with some info on game tapes.]
[Webmaster's note: The only official tapes I'm aware of are video yearbooks. They are for sale on eBay occasionally both new and used.]
From: Blue9117@aol.com
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 9:31 AM
Subject: Boz
I just wanted to see if you knew where I could get a Land Of Boz poster? My 10 year old has chosen his idol for football to be the BOZ. He has even cut his hair like him and dyed it and proudly wears the #44 on his jersey! His teammates have also followed suit. You can imagine what this is doing in our small town in Georgia. The surprising part is most everyone knows exactly what haircut this is. My husband and I are loving the fact that he has added some retro to football this year. I would love to send you a picture of him so you can see how cute it is.
Cindy Bishop
Click thumbnail to view larger photo.
Webmaster Note: Posters come up for sale at eBay sometimes.
From: camrein@sbcglobal.net
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:17 AM
Subject: brian bosworth
Im 12 years old and i would like to send Brian Bosworth a letter could i please have his address so i can send a letter to him thanks.
Brian is my favorite player who played for ou
Webmaster Note: I do not have Brian Bosworth's home address, email address, phone number or web site address. Please address your messages to Brian here and if he chooses to do so, he can read them. Thank you.
From: Alan Bosworth
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 3:25 PM
I'm trying to get hold of Brian to get him to sign a few pictures for my kids. From what I understand Brian's Grandfather "Foster", and my Dad are first Cousins. My Three kids would be thrilled to have a personalized letter from the real Boz.
Thanks, Alan (the older smaller Boz)
From: arianna523@libero.it
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2006 3:14 PM
Subject: brian bosworth
From: phillip simmons
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 10:45 AM
Subject: the Boz
I'm a Boz fan and was wondering if you could point me a directions where I could find a Land of Boz poster. I used to have one and over the years it has vanished . I would like to thank you for keeping the Boz alive thanks,
Web Author's Note: I'd try eBay.com, but if anyone has any other ideas please let us know!
From: sally mottram
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2006 4:21 PM
Subject: Brian Bosworth
I don't know if you can help me, but I've been looking all over for this one poster of Brian Bosworth when he was with the Seahawks. He had just tackled a guy and the guy was laying on the field. Brian was standing over him with his arm extended and his finger pointing right at the guy.
I saw this once in a poster shop a long time ago and didn't buy it, and I've been kicking myself ever since.
Do you happen to know the poster I'm talking about? And do you have any idea where I could find it.
I'd sure appreciate any help you could give me.
Thank you so much
Sally Mottram
Web Author's Note: I'd try eBay.com, but if anyone has any other ideas please let us know!
From: Bostick, Debbie
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 10:57 AM
You either hated him or loved him. I loved him because I hated John Elway and so did Boz. This was me on Halloween 1987. Those were the days.
From: Ken Tuttle
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2006 5:00 PM
Subject: 'hawk rookie sack record
"Just to briefly add to my previous post. Boz's 4 sacks in his rookie year
is also a Seahawk record for rookie linebackers that still stands today."
From: Csmstacey@aol.com
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:01 PM
Subject: boz haircut
do you have any pictures of the boz's legendary haircut?? now that the seahawks are going to the superbowl, i wanna get my sons cut like the boz's
Ill send you a picture!
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 2:04 PM
Subject: RE: Seahawks Brian Bosworth Custom Figure
I'm probably the biggest Bosworth fan in
Washington State (Seahawks career wise anyway). Well....................I
might be the only one left......willing to admit it anyway. He sure left a
sour taste in ALOT of people's mouth here in Seattle, most would like to
forget he ever wore a Seahawks uniform. Oh well..................I liked him
then and i suppose i always will. To each their own I guess.
I got a email last night from the guy who is making the 12" Brian
figure...as it he just completed it and it came out beautiful. Note
the accuracy of the details involved, like the signature wristbands.
Scott (the person who customized this for me, made from a stock 12" Brian
Urlacher figure) did a hell of a job on this, and I'm sure Brian himself
will be ordering one for himself as well, once he sees his work. If you
want to plug Scott on his work (for possible future Seahawks figures) to
other Seahawk fans here on this site, it might be of some use to them.
the best customizer around, and the most reasonable on the price. His
information is: Scott Hill
The turnaround time was about 2-3 weeks. He charged me $125.00 for everything except the figure itself. The fee
included all customization and the return shipping fee.
Note: The message above is a combination summary of three separate messages.
From: Mallory
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2005 1:00 AM
Subject: The Boz
I was lucky enough to meet The Boz yesterday because I am really good
friends with Kyle and Korey, his nephews. Although crazy in his younger
years, I have never seen a better role model for these boys in everything
they do. He goes to every one of their games, including our high school
games, and supports them in everything, not only football. I really respect
the man in everything that he does.
P.S. No, he is not related to Kate Bosworth... i asked :o)
From: mike dinnocenzio
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 7:42 AM
Subject: Boz legacy II
It's interesting to note that the "Boz" has two nephews that play for UCLA, twins Kyle and Korey Bosworth. Both are freshman and play linebacker, like there great uncle. We're certainly going to keep an eye on them. Kyle wears number 54 and Korey 55.
Just to briefly add to my previous post. Boz's 4 sacks in his rookie year is also a Seahawk record for rookie linebackers that still stands today. Boy, some bust huh?.
From: Vicki Jones
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:15 PM
Subject: The Boz
My son will be 30 in December and remembers going to the OU Football games and the Boz. He had the same hairdo and anything that came out with the Boz. He now has his own Physical Therapy Company and it is decorated with OU Sooners and alot of Brian Bosworth pictures! His son and 2 nephews now are Boz fans. We all have season tickets and he and his wife are Sooner donors. We are proud of all the OU greats but there will be only One Bosworth! We are still proud of you and are still fans!!
The Jones Family, Dale, Oklahoma.
From: mike dinnocenzio
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 3:37 PM
Subject: Bosworth's legacy...
I've posted here before being a big Boz fan. I just saw this weekend ESPN top 20 NFL busts and I'm tired of hearing about Bosworth being one of the all-time biggest busts. How in the world do you consider him a bust when his career ended because of injury?? All those other players mentioned, they were busts because of either lack of talent or lack of discipline or both, like Ryan Leaf. Boz started his rookie year out slowly due to the strike but He ended very strong by being second on the team in tacles and 4 qb sacks. Excellent rookie year, up until he was injured. How does this qualify as a bust?!?! I think when your on top like that, the media has to try and tear you down.
Lets take that Bo Jackson fiasco. I've seen that play a hundred and I almost throw the tv out the window every time. Where is Bosworth getting trucked like every one says and that ESPN program said? Boz made the tackle but he made the tackle in the endzone. Had that been in the middle of the field, Bo is stopped and Boz gets credited with a solo tackle. It's clear Boz was expecting a cutback. I don't see anyone making that tackle. Actually, Boz should get credit for being able to bring him down.
Boz proved in the brief period he played that he was on his way to pro-bowl status. He had to learn a new position in a very complex system and he did great. Look forward to seeing him on the big screen. If Boz is ever in NJ, I'd love to meet him and get an autograph. My wife now is a big Boz fan.
From: toby
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 1:01 PM
Subject: THE BOZ
Hi,my name is Toby Harnischfeger and I was hoping that you could help in my search. I have been looking all over the place for a "The Land of Boz"poster for my brother, he is a HUGE Boz fan. Any help would be great, thank you.
[Note to Toby: eBay.com has them for sale occasionally.]
From: Jaspetty@aol.com
Sent: Friday, September 09, 2005 10:58 AM
Subject: Boz merchandise
I remember those "starter" brand football action figures they came out with back in the 80's.Two players who come to mind are Boz and Walter Peyton. The kids down the street had those action figures out, playing with them. If I had known then what I know now I'd have told them not to take them out of the package. Can you imagine what thoe things would be worth right now? Man!
From: mango shango
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 3:23 PM
Subject: fan club??
Do you know of a Boz fan club? I would like some memorabilia signed.
From: Brady Langemo
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 4:15 PM
Subject: the boz
I love the Boz, but hated TO. The Boz was classic and 1 of a kind. I got an A in 9th grade art because of my drawing of the boz.
From: prouse@callon.com
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 11:53 AM
Subject: I LOVE THE BOZ!
I have adorned the Boz every since I first laid eyes on him in the movie "Stone Cold". Sorry, I have never been much into football. Oh my! He is gorgeous! I have searched and searched the net looking for pictures of him. (Isn't that sad? A grown woman drooling over a man!) I have always wanted his picture for my wallpaper. Any idea as to where I can find some really good pics? Thanks for your page. Very informational!
[Webmaster's note: Go to Google Images and type in "Brian Bosworth". You'll get a gazillion photos!]
[Note: Thanks to Tommy and Teresa for these high school yearbook scans!]
From: Michelle Malone
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 2:04 PM
Subject: RE: Brian Bosworth
I had a mad crush on him when he was at OU. ( i was but a wee school girl, lol) I hadn't really heard much about him and went to see The Longest Yard and fell all over again. :) Then oddly enough a few weeks later was talking with a friend of a friend and he tried to tell me that Boz went to Boswell High School, which I know is wrong because I went there (of course after he would have) and would have heard this when I was there for 4 years. Anyway, thanks again for your help.
From: Genesse@aol.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 7:19 PM
Subject: The Boz
Hi, I'm a Big Brian Bosworth Fan since 8 Years. But not as a Football-Player. I'm a Big Action-Movie Fan. And since I watched "Stone Cold" Brian has become my Idol. I never see before a Guy with so sympatico and so high profile than Brian. Later I see on the Internet Brians Background as Football-Player. I come from Germany and here is American Football not so popular, so I never heared from Brian Bosworth before I watched Stone Cold. I buyed his Autobiographie "The Boz: Confessions of an Modern-Anti Hero". And I was really Embraced from this. That's the confirm that Brian is an intelligent and REAL Person. But it's great pity that Brian not so many Movies shot. To my mind he's a great Action-Hero. But he makes to few movies. I would like to watch an Stone Cold Part 2. I hope I can search out his adress, so I can write him my respect and ask for an autograph. I can't find an autograph-adress on the internet by him. And I be glad to read on this website there are anymore Boz Fans. Brian ist THE BOZ!
Boris Spangenberg
From: Doug Hart
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 3:16 PM
Subject: Corvette
My Mother-In-Law bought Brian's corvette from him. When my wife and I got married in 1995, we drove it away from our wedding. She let us keep it for two weeks.
During that time, we attended an OU football game. I was driving the streets in Norman and heard someone yell "Hey Boz !!!" I stuck my hand up out of the t-top and waved. It was fun.
From: Stephanie Cramer
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2005 9:51 PM
Subject: Brian Bosworth - The Longest Yard
Just found this site and I think it is great. I was born and raised on OU Football, and Brian Bosworth was my first crush!
I took my kids to see "The Longest Yard", featuring Brian, and it was awesome!
He definitely shines as the most intelligent of the Guards in the movie.
And he still has that smile that melts my heart!
From: Walser, Jason
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2005 6:24 PM
Subject: Thoughts on the BOZ
Reading about the Boz brought back so many great memories of my childhood.
I grew up in Norman,Ok so of course I have Sooner Nation stamped in my
heart. I recall being the biggest fan ever. I had the Boz hair cut, even
went to the same hair stylist who made that hair famous. My room was
covered with OU personalities, all the greats. I recall walking home from
grade school and The Boz, Sonny Brown, ect. Would just be hanging out
shooting hoops and listening to music blearing from his tan Jeep. I would
walk by them in my Oklahoma 44 jersey. They would always say hello and tell
me stories of what it was like playing for coach Switzer and what it felt
like playing for the Sooners. As a kid, every Sat. morning in the summer
time we would ride our bikes down to Owen field. We would play as if we the
Sooner greats. Through out the years I have had the opportunity to run
across the infamous Boz a few times. I always tell him the same story of a
kid who was such a great fan and how he inspired me and countless others. I
am the first to ever grad. from college in my family and I am so Proud to be
an Oklahoma Sooner Alumni. I owe a great deal to Brian the "Boz" Bozworth.
He inspired a kid from Oklahoma to dream Big! I am 31 yrs of age with a
successful business in Tampa, Fl. I would never be where I am today if it
were not for the inspiration that I derived from his spirit.
Jason Walser
From: ACEC/ND Information
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 1:20 PM
To: beckys@beckys-place.com
Subject: The Boz
I think it's funny that so many people thought the Boz was a joke, yet these same people think Dante Culpepper is the greatest quarterback in NFL history! Anyway...
I am a fan of the Boz' movies, and have always thought "Stone Cold" was his best role. It was a pretty good action movie, and the Boz was very natural in it. He's a heck of a lot better actor than Matt Damon, for example. And at least he looks the part of an action hero (good size, etc.). I hope he continues to make movies, but hope they are better than the last few. I was hugely sorry to see that Adam Sandler was going to RUIN a classic movie ("The Longest Yard") by being in the re-make, but I see Brian Bosworth is going to be in it, as well as the REAL star of the movie Burt Reynolds, so I will probably watch it, just for them.
Wayne Peterson
Grand Forks, North Dakota
From: Sarah Hickox
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 2:42 PM
Subject: The Boz
Hi, My name is Sarah and I'm a huge Boz fan. I first saw Brian in Stone Cold and ended up with a serious crush! He's a total hottie. I don't know him as a football player, but from what I have read, I gather that he was a fanfastic player. So, he had a few enemies in the game and off the field...how long ago was that? Why does everyone keep droaning on and on about it? Some people have written nasty things about the Boz and I think it's really childish. It takes more energy to be nasty than it does to be nice. Personally, I just think he's the cat's meow....and I, too, am wondering if he is related to the actress Kate Bosworth..I am wondering if she might be a daughter...or is he old enough to have a daughter her age? What ever he does, he is always top shelf with me!
From: dicer67
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 10:55 PM
Subject: Seahawk Fan
Here is a website for a movie that has a former seahawk in it playing a prison guard. Longest Yard
From: Edward Judge
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 6:22 PM
Subject: Brian Bosworth
I saw on CNNSI that they said Boz was the biggest bust
in the NFL Draft history - And I completely disagee.
I used to live in Portland and watched all the Seahawk
games in those days. I remember the game Seattle
played the Houston Oilers in the playoffs at Houston
Bozworth had one of the best games I have ever seen a
linebacker have - He would have had a great career
except he had a bad shoulder - I think he had a bad
shoulder when he came into the NFL -
From: John Poulton
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 3:51 PM
Subject: boz
From: [Asked to have name removed]
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 10:25 AM
Well, I think this site is great! Brian is my cousin... I really love to see
how people (fans) have their kids named after him and how his highschool
classmates still see him as a nice guy! I just wanted to says how I think
its cool that the fans are still faithful fans!
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2005 2:31 PM
The Boz was tops in the college game. Notice I said the college game.
From: Douglas A Balakovich Jr
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 2:03 AM
Subject: My thoughts on Boz...
I am 32 now, and have been a Boz fan since I was a kid... I could remember the Big Nebraska OU games over at my parents friends house, and I remember the Name "Boz" being a household name. I was an instant fan watching him play... To me it was amazing he was so good. I also shared the # 44 playing football, and also had "The Boz" haircut ,and it was even the same color, and I had the earrings ,and sometimes out, and about people would say "Hey Boz", and it was great ,and even now it remains a huge part of my life... it is a tat on my arm, and was my license plate, and on all of my custom football jerseys, and I have it in almost all of my email addresses, and passwords... You name it, and there is a part of Boz in it. I can remember dragging my friend who could not stand Boz to the theatre to see Stone cold when it came out, and I saw it 5 times in one week....
To me Brian Bosworth was who, and what I wanted to be growing up. I am a huge Oklahoma Sooners fan still to this day (win, or lose), and will always be a Boz fan. I can remember going to Sunglass Hut in Boston, Ma, and buying the 44 Blues sunglasses when they first came out (Gargoyles special Boz edition Blue mirror Wrap around glasses).... I bought 2 pairs so if one got lost, or broken I would have a back up.... I miss them, and I miss Brian Bosworth as a football player. He is a great actor( I have every one of his movies on Dvd including Stone cold... Though it is a bootleg), and great overall guy, and I wish him all the best in everything he does. Most people will never understand, but he will always be my biggest hero!
Doug B
Boston, MA
From: Newton Bruington
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 2:15 PM
Subject: BOZ
People can write what they want, and say what they say about Brian Bosworth and his football career, but as person, husband and father Brian Bosworth has earned the respect of this college football fan and Seattle Seahawks supporter. I was on vacation in Maui the first week in January '05 when I saw Brian Bosworth and his family on the same Molokini snorkel boat. It was Tuesday, January 4th. The DAY of the National Championship game between USC and OU. As a HUGE SC fan I was tempted to talk to Brian about the big game later that day, but after seeing him relaxing on the boat deck as his children lay beside him and his wife bathing in the sun, I decided to let him enjoy his vacation with his family. To see his children laughing and playing, snorkeling and scuba diving together certainly made it clear that this man has his priorities in order. Brian, Good luck in your future ventures and may God bless you.
Newton Bruington
Seattle, Washington
From: "Jeff May"
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 4:21 PM
Subject: the boz
I have always thought that Brian Bosworth got a bum rap over his pro
record. It all really started in his rookie year when he faced off with
Bo Jackson in a goal line stand and Bo got in. Boy! The media started
going on and on about how The Boz was bust and how he got plowed over
and all of that nonsense and then with his retirement a few years
later, a lot of idiots could stand around and say, "See? I told you he
was crap." What rubbish. The truth of the matter was that Bo Jackson
moved the ball about two feet or so (Boz tackled him!) and everyone
wanted Boz to fail. As a former linebacker myself, I'll tell you that
if a running back comes at you and you get him down with less than a
two yard gain, you're doing great. He is moving full steam and knows
where he is going... you're standing dead still. And this is for ANY
running back not to mention BO JACKSON! People forget how much of a
monster he was. He was a bruiser who could face off with defensive
linemen on pretty much equal terms.
The truth is that Boz was just ahead of his time. He was too flamboyant
for sports writers to let him get away with. Notice how a few years
later nobody gave "Neon Deion" half the grief that they gave Boz. And
Boz actually had talent!
From: Armando Rodrigo
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 9:04 AM
Subject: The Buz...
I'm from the Caribbean, and we are more baseball fans type of culture.
Well, I just want to say that the only reason I'm now a football and
Seattle fan is because of the Buz.
From: none
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 1:15 PM
Subject: how cool is this!
i have been shopping on ebay for BOZ merchandise for the past few days. i typed in Brian Bosworth and i got this. I love your web site. I am from Boca Raton, FL but i have been a huge Sooner fan since The BOZ came on the seen. Have a wonderful weekend and if anyone knows were i can buy Bosworth merchandise please let me know.
From: Mark Zinniel
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 4:07 PM
Subject: New Movie
Hi Becky,
Just found your page today. Do you know that Brian Bosworth will be back on the football field in 2005? He is one of the stars of the remake of "The Longest Yard". Staring Adam Sadler, Chris Rock and Burt Reynolds, with Michael Irvin, wrestlers Stone Cold Steve Austin and Bill Goldberg, and Brian Bosworth!! I don't know what part he is playing.
Look for it Memorial Day, 2005.
Chico, CA
From: Mark Zinniel
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 9:48 PM
Subject: The Longest Yard
Hi Becky,
"Longest Yard" update.They have a short trailer up for the movie. Yahoo has it with the new movie previews. You can also see it on the movie web site. Looks like Brian Bosworth plays for the guards team. His character is Guard Garner.
Opening May 20, 2005.
From: B.G from Florida
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 12:21 AM
Subject: boz
Hi. You know it's a shame that someone who brought so much fun and excitement to football has to hear or read so much of the negative crap that's been in the media for so many years now.
Boz was a great college player and was a good pro player, who would have been great had he not had the shoulder problems. The truth is, Bosworth's shoulder was the cause of his downfall, and we all have proof of that, just by the many surgeries he had to go through. I mean if some want to say he took the money an ran and that he knew all along, well that's one's own opinion. But to say he was a "bust" as a player is crazy.
The only problem that I can see is that, with all the media hype about him, there was such a great expectation of him. So that when he did not fulfill everyone's expectations people now want to call him a bust!
He was a linebacker. That's all. So, as far as his performance goes, he did his job and extremely well at that. What did everyone expect him to do? He might've made a lot of promises, but let's be realistic, he could've only done so much as a linebacker.
He had little pratice before the first game vs Denver, but still had a good game. And I don't recall anyone else causing such a stir coming into the NFL. (Besides maybe Deon, but we all know where he got his ideas from) When The Boz came to football, it was fun and exciting! You either loved to watch him or loved to hate him! Either way, he was good for the game.
Now all it seems is that people only want to remember the bad. They don't remember how in his first season he was 2nd in the team on tackles to Fredd Young who was a pro bowler 99 to 78. And Fredd played more downs and played one strike game for 15 tackles. And Bosworth also had four sacks for a Rookie, which is a Seahawk's record, which he shares with a few other players as well. Also, he would've had five, if not for a penalty in the Raider's game. Not to put Fredd down, he had a great year as did Boz. He had a real good year for a rookie. How many rookie's start off calling the defensive signals?
And although he had some bad moments. Mainly in regards to Bo Jackson. However, that has been blown way out of proportion. Some act as though Bo run over Boz and wiped his cleats on his chest or something! Which we know is not the case at all. It's not like Mike Harding from Denver, the week before, Bo trucked him. Bosworth tackled Bo. Big difference! it WAS bo jackson not some nobody no shame in that and i,m sure no one wanted one more play with bo more that boz. but never got that chance. It was just the media making such a stink over it. I've seen many linebackers get run over, through the years and you don't hear nothing about it. However, because again the expectations of Boz, they jumped at the chance to bring him down. and in boz,s 2nd season he was on pace for 150 tackes witch is good for today,s linebackers. and he played half of those games with one arm.I never saw a game that boz lost for seattle but the way they talk about him you would think he lost them all. 11 guys on the field at a time. boz made some bad plays but so did the rest of the team.I do not know brian bosworth but he seems like a good guy .
From: Andrea Michelle Brooks
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 2:53 PM
Subject: I Love Brian Bosworth!
I remember watching him playing for OU. His individuality made me just totally fall in love with him. When he went to the Seattle Seahawks I then started watching that team. I really miss his input to the game. I hope that he and his family are healthy and happy, he deserves happiness. He made so many people happy just by watching him play ball. I loved watching him on Nash Bridges and really LOVED Stone Cold, too. I really wish that I knew what he was up to currently. I also had thought that for a short while (back in the late 80's) that he was Sting in one of the wrestling leagues. Does anyone know if that is correct? To sum it all up, Brian needs to know that people still remember and love him.
From: RobeCastlem@aol.com
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004 12:35 AM
Subject: Linebacker Extrordinaire
WOW! This is a cool page. I have been a Brian Bosworth fan, as well as a fan of THE BOZ, ever since I can remember. I remember when Sports Illustrated had the Pro & College Football Preview with Boz & Jim McMahon on the cover clear back in 1986. I must have read the article on THE BOZ 500 times. I got his autoubiography as a X-Mas gift one year, and read the entire book in one day. I played four years of college football, I coach high school football, and am currently in my eighth season of semi-pro football. I have been around the game a long time, and have witnessed many. many great players. But Brian Bosworth, is, by far, without a doubt, the best college linebacker - EVER!!! Beyond that, I think he is a intelligent, charasmatic, quality human being. He was a Wild Man on the field, and a damn smart man off of it. If not for the severe and chronic shoulder injuries, there is no doubt in my mind we would have one day seen him in Canton. So, to THE BOZ: Thanks so much for the memories, pure entertainment, and most of all, thank you for playing football the way football should be played.
Rob Castleman
Boise, Idaho
From: Bobbi House
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 8:12 AM
Subject: Baby Boz
Brian Bosworth is an inspiration to a lot young people for a number
different reasons. MY Husband is a big OU fan and even a bigger fan of
Brian Bosworth. In fact we just had a son and my husband insisted he be
named Bosworth. His name is Mitchell Bosworth.........called baby Boz by
From: ???
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 1:31 PM
Hi, I went to high school with Brian Bosworth too. He was a great guy, definitely crazy - but a lot of fun to be around. He was a fantastic football player coming in as a freshman and just got better as time went on. I really hated seeing him have to quit playing.
From: Heather Roberts
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 10:08 AM
Subject: One More Bosworth
Hey I was just wondering some of the same things others are wondering. Is Brian in any relation to Kate Bosworth? Or Would he be any relation to me? My Family is so huge I really wouldn't know. My Name Is Shaina Bosworth, and I am a Linebacker for Portland Shockwave. (women's IWFL team). I hope to be an inspiration in the future of women's sports to Fans Everywhere, just as Brian was/is to his fans. And yes I too agree that Stone Cold should have a DVD. It would be a big hit!!! Brian, you're loved man!!!
From: Lou Emmons
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 5:50 AM
The movie Brian Bozworth starred in 1991, Stone Cold, is no longer
available as a new movie, you can only by it places like amazon.com from
12.95 to 59.95 used!! Can someone put a bug in Mr. Bozworth's ear about
getting this movie to DVD. He has fans out here and this movie would be
well served by putting it on DVD.
From: John DiPasquale
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 4:58 PM
Subject: the boz
Well, enough already. Because I knew him I have to stand in his defense. He grew up in a modest family and neighborhood. I actually knew the Boz before he was the Boz. We played little league football against each other and then eventually played high school ball together. We lifted weights together for years. I was the left defensive tackle and he was the left defensive end. He didn't play linebacker until his senior year. He was a great friend and a blast to run around with. He was not into alcohol and drugs as some may suspect. Except steroids. My mother loved him! He was polite and courteous to her always. He was a good athlete in high school but I wouldn't consider him great by any means. He blossomed after his redshirt year at OU. One great story that most do not know. At our high school, Irving MacArthur, we had a tradition of getting our heads shaved before the season. Brian's parents wouldn't allow him to do so. Can you imagine being the only one of your peers not getting the cool hair cut like the rest of your teammates? His parents were great people. However, when Brian went to OU he finally had the opportunity to act on his own without the permission of his parents. That is when he got the haircut. He wanted to separate himself from the rest and he did so. I always knew it was an act. I had known him since grade school and knew he was blowing smoke, or markenting as I saw it. I never lost respect for him. He wouldn't have signed the contract with Seattle if he didn't think he could deliver. He was extremely bright in school. His injuries were real. That guy would have never taken a fall for anything or anyone. He was too much of a competitor and in my mine a great guy. If we had all been placed under similar circumstances and fame, we can only imagine how we may act. Growing up with him was fun. He was the easiest guy in the world to poke fun at and he had a great since of humor. The Boz was the means to bigger and better things for he and his family. Brian was a great guy.
From: Chrshawk1@aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 2:44 AM
boz- I cannot thank you enough for giving us seahawks fans hope when you came here. Im 35 years old and still to this day everybody in the state of washington still thinks you are the best linebacker if not pure football player since largent ever to come here. I know you were proud of largents butthole tighting shot on dennis smith. Do not ever be ashamed, you are a seahawk and always will be, you are one of the top five seahawks ever. Be proud us in the northwest are. do not listen to the east coast talking heads. It would be a pleasure for me and all the other die hard hawk fans in the northwest and beyond if you came back and we could see you on t.v. in spokane or seattle. Give the players a lift on the sidelines. You are the man. (Still love the hit you put on dinkus mr. head first or second series in mile high. (what a pussycat he was). Is your dog Raider still alive? Anyway take care and would love to see you on the sidelines in 2004 kicking chad brown and anthony simmons in the ass and showing them real hawk tradition like you would want. chrshawk1@aol.com
From: Silverbackcyborg@aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 9:01 PM
Subject: BEST EVER
Brian Bosworth was the best linebacker in the college ranks...EVER!!!! I think if he had not been injured coming in he would be up for the Hall of Fame. Best pure Linebacker I have ever seen.
p.s. NCAA = National Communists Against Athletes.
From: Christie Smeal, Norman, OK
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 1:06 AM
Subject: The Boz
I had the privilege of watching the Boz play at the University of Oklahoma. The Boz was my Hero, I even went as far as cutting my own hair like him when I was 3 years old, to the horror of my mom. Even at that young age I aspired to be like the Boz, I wanted to be an awesome athlete. I looked up to him in how he went out every game and put all he was on the field. He was and is an inspiration for my athletic career, to play the hardest and the best I can in every game. I wanted to play like the Boz when it came to be my turn....My turn has come and I'm playing college soccer, I look to play for OU next year and will hopefully wear #44 like my hero.
From: GariAnn Jacobs, Norman, OK
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2003 6:36 PM
Subject: OU Sooner Fans Proud of Brian Bosworth
Dear Brian,
Your apology to OU Sooner Fans and Football program brought me to tears. THE BOZ is a household name in Norman, Okla. I was a student at OU and went to all the football games when Brian Bosworth was playing. I loved his enthusiasm and dedication to the game. You never embarassed me Brian. I remember spending lots of time on the sidelines at Owens stadium and Brian was always friendly and fun. I think you have supported OU football and still continue to make Norman your home when you can. This is one sooner fan that is OU Proud of Brian Bosworth.
From: The Ruff Family, Oklahoma
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2003 10:52 PM
Hi Becky:
Been searching the web to find "The Boz." He did an interview this week with KFOR TV, Oklahoma City with former OU players and Barry Switzer. Just wanted him to know that an Oklahoma family of very avid OU fans for over 50 years thinks he is still the best, not only as a player but as a person. He apologized in that interview to all of us and the former players. He has nothing to apologize for. He is one of us and we are very proud of him and was when he was a player, never waivering in our support of him, then and now.
Thank you Becky for your site so we can let him know.
From: Murphy, Ross, Tulsa, OK
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 4:54 PM
Subject: Brian Bosworth
Just heard a live interview with Brian on a local radio station and was very suprised to hear a humble, low-key ex-jock that reflected on the mistakes he made while in college and the pros. He was apologetic for his behavour saying he was immature and not fully aware of the impact of his antics at the time. Since then he has realized his mistakes and done what he could to repair the damage. I was impressed and pleased to see him grow up.
From: NinetySixDad@aol.com
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: Just some redshirt freshman LB on OU's '84 team...
Very interesting information being shared
about a man that inspired alot of kids and men young and old with his play. I was
a big Oklahoma football fan and followed them in as great as detail as can be
accomplished from western Pennsylvania and I will always remember the
leadership and confidence that that guy brought to a football program that had
underachieved for three consecutive years before he began playing.
I loved what he did for Oklahoma football.
wish him the best for the rest of his days.
From: John C in NYC
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 1:21 PM
No question Brian Bosworth was one of the best college linebackers of all time. He peaked very early due to his injuries. It happens in football and also in life. There is no shame in anything he ever did. Anybody in his shoes would have done the same thing. You get a chance to get a truck full of money knowing that your body is starting to break down you do it and don`t look back, it's not wrong, it's very smart. Which is what he is. Brian will be a success in whatever he pursues. People are jealous of jocks that can think too. Don`t hate him, just wish him well. Save your hate for the atheletes who rape women in hotel rooms, who are involved in homicides and stonewall the investigation, who punch their teammates in the face so hard they fracture bones behind their eyes and the list goes on and on. The people who hate him need a lesson in football and in life. Just let it go man. As far as the infamous Bo Jackson tackle, give me a break! If you played any football or any other contact sport you realize that sometimes you have leverage and sometimes you don`t. When you come sideways at somebody and he`s going straight, he has the total advantage especially on a play at the goal line.
On a side note I saw Brian on a football show recently with his son and you could tell he`s a caring father. As a father of 4 myself I can tell. I also thought it was interesting when asked if his son would play football and Brian responded at once NO! How many one time athletes push their children into the arena for their own rewards not their kids. To Brian if you ever read this, rock on.
From: Mary Ann Long
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 7:12 PM
Saw him on the Best Damn Sports Show, still looking as handsome as ever. Did not like the way Tom Arnold treated him. I think Arnold stinks. With your knowledge of football, you would be a better host on that show. Arnold can read the news. Enjoyed all of his movies. You are the man, babe! Want to see more of him on the TV.
From: Will Clark
Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2003 11:00 PM
Subject: thoughts on the boz...
I love the Boz. I have read his book, and seen his best movie "Stone
Cold"...in regards to his football career i feel nothing but sadness...he
was built up so high, and i think thats y the fact that his body
deteriorated and let him down is lost in the shuffle, so many ppl cast him
aside for being a crazy steroid user who was over hyped...he had a good
rookie year, and if you see old college games he played in you better
believe a player like that was worth 11 million dollars...the Boz was the
first of the new school of linebackers, the ray lewis and brian urlachers
who are as fast as most running backs but double the size...it is
unfortunate that his NFL career didnt fair as well as his college career,
but the Boz played his heart out and played well beyond his physical
shortcomings, and i wish him only the best...his fall may not have been as sudden or tragic or Bo Jacksons, but football fans were robbed as he was of
some wonderful and exciting years that he never got to play....
Paul Sylvester, September 2003
Hi. I do not see what the problem is with what he did. He was an athlete before his time. The Boz got paid for what he did in college. Just like the athletes of today (Labron James, a High School kid). Secondly if an owner is willing to pay it, why not!!!!!, would you turn down a raise?
Thanks Boz!
From: Long, Christina
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 4:30 PM
Subject: RE: I love the Boz!
Hey Becky!
It's me again. I think Boz is over snubbing fans. Please see attached photo. Have a good day and great site!
Christina Long
Christina Long, September 2003
Subject: I love the Boz!
Go Sooners!
Shelly Passmore, August 2003
Brian Bosworth is an extremely intelligent and talented individual. He will succeed in all that he does. He never settles for second best. To bad he got the raw end of too many deals. I personally thought not letting him wear his 44 while he was playing with the Seahawks was just wrong. They led him to believe he would be able to. Just because someone is outspoken does not make them a bad person. I think it makes them more likeable. You know what you get with them. There are too many phony people in the world. Thank God there are a few who dare to be different. The Boz has never done drugs or been arrested. He succeeded in school in football while maintaining his grades. And he graduated a year early. How many actually accomplished that in the 80's? Not many. He was smart enough to negotiate a great deal with the NFL and alot of people where jealous of that. I say if you can command it more power to you. He is a great role model for kids. He promotes individualality. More kids need to be leaders and not followers. It may keep them out of trouble. Bless you Boz!!
Darryl NYC, August 2003
Brian Bosworth is, was and will always be my favorite player ever. He played Linebacker with a ferocity and brilliance that had he stayed healthy would have amazed many. Look at his career at Oklahoma and you will see Excellence. He inspired me to play Linebacker even though I was only 5 foot 9. I also wore 44. And he will always be immortalized in email address.
Trent D. Dunn, July 2003
I wanted to add a few thoughts to your page concerning Brian Bosworth. As a young teenager growing up in Oklahoma in the early 80's, I was certainly in awe of this guy. The Boz was larger than life, he was talented, smart, dynamic, & completely obsessed with winning. His style of play motivated his teammates, Sooner fans, and everyone that crossed his path. As a person, he was a person worthy of emulation. Let's not forget that he graduated with honors in 3 years at OU! He was, and is, very savvy in business and negotiations. He knew that getting kicked off the Sooner team would affect his bargaining position with the NFL, so he got Barry Switzer to reinstate him as a player, even though they had agreed secretly that he would never play for the Sooners again. Knowing that his shoulder injury would probably be have a career-ending impact, he negotiated with the Seahawks for guaranteed money, which almost never happens in the injury-laden NFL!
As a person, let me give you the perspective of a 15 year old, which I was when I first met him. He had a teammate that was a former player at my high school. During a visit to 'Bud Hall', the players dorms, there was an amazing amount of alcohol, drugs, and girls. Brian, to his and his parents credit, never drank, never took drugs, and had a steady girlfriend throughout his career at OU. I sat with him for almost an hour on a Spring Saturday night when "The Boz" could have been anywhere he wanted to be, with anyone he wanted to be with. Brian sat with me and listened to me talk about high school football, my hopes and aspirations. He told me that I could use him as an example, and I did. When newspapers were reporting that he was spotted at a bar getting into a fight, he was in his room studying for exams. When the sports reporters were talking about his haircut, he was at the stadium, putting his body through additional training such as running stadium stairs for an hour at a time. Brian challenged me to keep my body clean, my mind sharp, and not to rely on sports for a successful life. I went through high school with almost a perfect GPA. I did get a football scholarship to a smaller college, but I also received scholarships for my grades, which I was more proud of than the football scholarship. Brian Bosworth's challenge to be a 'whole person' made a difference in my life. He could have sat down with me that night and offered me a beer and told me about how being a superstar athlete meant that all the girls wanted him and alumni boosters were pushing envelopes of cash into his hand. Instead, he showed me his transcripts and told me that he stayed in Norman each summer so that he could workout at a world-class facility and also take additional classes, so that he could graduate early and possibly get a second degree in his fourth year.
Let the critics talk about his haircut, the headbands, the infamous 'NCAA' t-shirt, the movies, Bo Jackson, etc. I like my memories better! Brian, if you ever read this.....Thanks, you've truly made a difference. I hope you see that your biggest impact might not have been on an inside blitz!
I should say that I am also a lifelong fan of the Seahawks. I started playing football as a youth in Anchorage, Alaska. When we decided on the name Abbott Loop Seahawks, our coach called the Seattle Seahawks and they sent us helmet decals, socks, and wristbands. It was great being the best-dressed team around. So, I'm a die-hard Seahawks fan, I even voted for Steve Largent for Congress when I lived in Tulsa! Have a great day.
makeyoupunt@aol.com, July 2003
The first time I met Brian he was a Freshman. He was one of the friendliest people you would have met. I was on and off the OU campus from the time I was 12 with my dad who coached in Oklahoma. I have seen a lot of players come and go but Boz was one of the best. He did put on a show and he got his money up. He is one of the best to ever play the game. I have not seen him in a long time. Don't know if he would even remember me or not. He was always good to me and had time to talk. I did not matter if I was the snot nose kid dreaming of playing or on a recruiting trip.
Alex Wellinghoff, January 2003
The Boz, I consider him to be a great college linebacker. Although, when he got to Seattle things just went south. Boz had the attitude for the NFL, but his body couldn't take it. He had a bullseye on his chest the day he joined the Seahawks. Also, his words saying he was going to destroy John Elway and Bo Jackson in those games just set him up. He was a more prized target for opponents than a MVP Quarterback. That's what did the Boz in.
Steve, January 2003 -- From a BIG Oklahoma Sooner fan
I think he was the best that ever played the game of
college football, no one will ever come close to what
he did on the football field. He could have done the
same in NFL but I think what happened to the Boz was
no accident, he knew what he was doing and went for
the money.
Mike, January 2003
The Seattle Seahawks trainer at the time wrote a book that is in book stores right now. In a game against the Washington Redskins, he [Bosworth] hyperextended his shoulder on a tackle. X-rays revealed severe arthritis. The next season, he had artritis in his other shoulder. He never recovered. He flunked the physical, and was forced to retire.
In my opinion, had he not been injured, he would have a been an excellent player. His downfall was his injury.
Follow-up from Mike D'Innocenzio, January 2003
I am the biggest Boz fan in the world. The Doctor said he had the shoulders of a 60 year old man. What is interesting is that He took out a Loyd's of London insurance policy and when he was released, it should have kicked in. Instead it turned into a court battle because they claimed that he had the diseaase arthritis and that it wasn't an injury. He ended up getting his money but without the interest. I'll find out the name of the book for you. It's written by the Seahawks trainer. It's in the bookstores right now. [Note: Playing hurt: Evaluating and treating the warriors of the NFL.] Inside the NFL did a piece on him also several years back. I can tell you about that if you wish. I even have it on tape somewhere.
Aaron DeLeon, January 2003
I can tell you the truth about Brian Bosworth...My
uncle as well as Sonny Brown were recruited along with
Bosworth by Barry Switzer. They were great players.
Brian created "The Boz" as a tool to put himself on
the line and his ability on the line. He was a great
college linebacker as his stats display. People forget
how "THE BOZ" was born. He talked about winning before
the games, so he put his abilities and rep on the line
for the media before the big games even took place and
he followed through. The Boz never choked!! The run
that Bo Jackson made, it was from the 2 yard line, and
Brian had to come across the field [the play was away
from him, so he eluded the blockers], still made the
play, yet Bo Jackson had momentum in which Brian still
tackled him.
About his injury, if you can go back the
86' national championship, [Sonny Brown, MVP,from Alice,
Tx], Brian made a awsome hit [you could hear the hit to
the top of the stands], on a 240lb fullback that sent
the fullback backwards. On that play Brian hurt his
shoulder, thus a doctor prescribed a steriod-based
medication to heal the shoulder quicker in the spring
of '86. You have to remember he was a 20 yr old kid
on a national championship team, and did what he was
told. The shoulder never healed correctly thus the
arthritis building and causing it harm rather than it
healing properly. It was legal to take the steriod
medication treatment before the season of '86 began,
but when he was tested, in December of that year, the
NCAA ruled he was on steriods. I know people who
played with him, and he did not take steriods; he was
that good. The shoulder injury caused him to retire
and yes, did leave a lot of unanswered questions and I
believe basically that what fans wanted from "THE BOZ"
couldn't get no more after his retirement. The hype,
the trash talking, the putting all on the line that
the Boz brought to the table was there no more for the
fans, the media, and the haters. It's going to be
interesting to see what happens to Ray Lewis in the
near future, he suffered the same shoulder injury as
the Boz did. Ray could not be able to come back, but
it is yet to be seen. Remember, before 'primetime','The
Rock', or any of those persona types, the first was
'THE BOZ'.....
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