Richmond 12.8.80 - Kangaroos 24.10.154
Do you really want to talk about this beating?!? I don't!! How low must we go this season? All I can say is to remain ever faithful, Tiger Fans. This isn't our year but we can still support the boys and look for the bright spots in specific plays.

I was out of town for this game and next week's game so I didn't get to catch the audio feed either week, but while I was away I did something a bit out of the ordinary for this old gal. If you'd like a distraction from the footy, you can read about my trip and see photos here.

From: Chris Greenway
Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2004 7:31 AM

Hi Becky,
You proba'ly won't want to hear this, but here we go: Richmond were embarassed. They were 8 points up just after half time and went on to lose by 74 points! How can people who supposedly know something about football assemble a team that don't seem to know how to play for the game for the entire last half?