Herb Singleton was there!

Walla Walla Union-Bulletin
Tuesday, July 13, 1976
running back, signed. Mark Wahl, Dan Shepherd, Brad Kramer, Al Knapp and Keith Muehr, kickers; Herb Singleton and Scott Christman, quarterbacks; Dwaine Copeland and Clifton Marcus, running backs: Bob Cason, defensive back, and Ned Deane, linebacker, cut.
Source: The Spokesman Review
Texas notes: Singleton in good position
By Todd Traub / Special to MLB.com
06/05/2012 10:21 AM ET
Jonathan Singleton has played baseball since he was 8 years old, and it didn't take long for him to chose the game over his father's sport of football.Never mind that Herb Singleton was once quarterback for the University of Oregon. Jonathan, Corpus Christi's first baseman and the Houston Astros' No. 1 prospect, had his heart set on baseball -- though it wasn't like he was turning his back on a family business or ignoring his father's wishes.
"Actually my dad wanted me to play baseball, so it went pretty smoothly," said Singleton. "You last longer, and he thinks it's a much more complex game."
In his fourth pro season, the 20-year-old Singleton is preparing for what looks like an eventuality -- the day he suits up with Houston.
"It's a good organization -- good things happen, so I'm definitely excited about it," he said.
Singleton has been with the Astros since midseason last year, when he came over in a trade from the Phillies.
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Note: We're looking for more information on Herb Singleton! If you have any information to assist us, please drop us a line! It's our goal to eventually have stories on all the pioneers from the 1976 Seahawks!