Our net yards passing, for the entire game, were 21 yards. TWENTY-ONE yards. You arrive at that figure by taking the total number of passing yards, which totaled 62, and subtracting the yards lost on 7 sacks, which were 41. Now, none of us expected Hasselbeck to be Brett Favre by the second game of the season but 9 completions in 24 attempts is a failure. 9 first downs in the entire game, two of which came from penalties, is unacceptable no matter how you look at it. We have a lot of work to do and Mike Holmgren has a lot of questions to answer. Hats off to our defense who didn't give up in the struggle. They got better as the game went on and you could see the fire in Chad Brown. Good for them. Rather than spending a lot of time trying to find positive things to say about the Seahawks game (Were there any?) I'd like to talk about another game I saw today -- the Chiefs/Giants game at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City. Talk about a highly-charged game. I was moved by the emotion shown by the Giants throughout the game as they remembered and paid tribute to the people they admire in their home state. They wore the caps of the New York Police Department and other service organizations. When they were on the sidelines and noticed the television cameras, they pointed to the flag on their helmets and then to their hearts in a gesture of remembrance. After a good play, they would stand at attention and salute. Any bets on how many game balls were going back to New York to be presented to fire fighters or police crews? The stories they shared from their tour of "ground zero" were both remarkable and heartbreaking. It's easy for those of us in the midwest and northwest to say we feel their pain, and in fact we do, but I think perhaps not to the extent of those who felt it in and around the NY/DC areas. I just want to say that I'm proud of the Giants for traveling to Kansas City and transforming their grief and anger into a well-played game of clean football. Thank you for giving all of us a distraction from the sorrow and for being heroes. And I want to add that it was very touching to see all the players at Husky Stadium, both teams, gather around the flag in the middle of the field for a tribute to those who lost their lives. This is a good country and we can be proud. I am.