Shaun Alexander. SHAUN ALEXANDER!!!!!! Can you all believe how terrific he was in this game?!?!? Bring back Ground Chuck! Give the ball to Shaun! He was not only great, he was sensational!! We knew Shaun was good because he's filled in very well while Ricky Watters has been out with an injury, but I'm not sure any of us expected him to end up 4th best in NFL single game rushing -- especially against the Raiders!! His 84 yard touchdown carry didn't hurt his stats, and even if you were to take away that run he still racked up some numbers!! That's fun football!! It felt great to me, I can only imagine how Shaun must have been feeling!! One of the best things I saw in this game was when Ricky Watters ran out onto the field to congratulate Shaun for his success! I was afraid Ricky would draw a penalty for going that far out onto the field, I just knew the refs would throw a flag (they didn't!) but I think it speaks so highly of the friendship these two team mates share. Ever since Ricky came to the Seahawks, we've been told how selfish he is and how much he wants the ball. I have yet to see that side of Ricky Watters. What I've seen is a player who gives his all to the game and to the team, and yes, he wants the ball because he believes he can make things happen. And he does!! This can't be an easy time for him as he stands on the sidelines, but if what I'm seeing is the way things are, he's a champion for the way he's mentoring Shaun Alexander! I think it's the greatest thing to happen to the Seahawks in a long time, and I'm excited!!! GOOOOO SHAUN! GOOOOOO RICKY! What a team of running backs!! And how about Hasselbeck?! He held his own this week. He wasn't pressured as much as other weeks, whether that's a tribute to our offensive line or if there were other influences I'm not sure, but we now know that he can make things happen when he's not under severe pressure. I'm happy for him that he experienced success on the field and was able to lead us to a win! I'm once again impressed with Willie Williams! He's feisty, I'm telling you!! All heart with plenty of guts! Now...I have an admission to make. I know you're going to find this hard to believe, but I had a commitment during the first half of the game and I was unable to watch it. I know, I know, that's unlike me! I can't believe it either but it happened. SO...if there's anything I need to know about the first half, I'm counting on you to tell me about it! All I know is that I was psyched when I got home from my meeting and discovered that we were ahead!! WA HOOO!!! It was a great second half (once we got past the touchdown return and the 3 and out!) and SO much fun to beat the Raiders!! Gooooooooooooo SEAHAWKS!!!