Bob Cason was there!

'Hawks Open Drills Today
By Don Fair
P-I Sports Writer
CHENEY -- While the Seahawks don't hold their first official National Football League practice until 9:30 a.m. today, they have already thinned their quarterback ranks from eight to seven.And they switched their No. 2 college draft pick, Sherman Smith, from a wide receiver to a running back.
Which is an interesting twist, because Smith was a quarterback in college.
Bob Cason, the free agent from Puget Sound, is no longer a quarterback, but he's not off the roster. Instead, head coach Jack Patera announced that Cason would try to survive these trials as a free safety.
"Cason talked to us about this," Patera said. "After our rookie orientation and five-day quarterback camp in late May, he was not one of our top four quarterbacks. Thus that change."
So keep Neil Graff, Gary Keithley, Jim Zorn, Steve Myer, Chris Rowland, Herb Singleton and Scott Christman in the QB picture.
According to Unreliable Sources he may have changed sports on us!
Pacific Northwest Basketball Officials Association
President: Bob CasonQbCason@xxxxxx
We can't be sure this is our Bob Cason but judging from the e-mail address that we deleted due to privacy concerns, it just might be!!!!
This was pre-Seahawks so we were the only game in town, except the Huskies. We rallied the boys and girls club to sell tickets. We bought billboards in Burien. We sold a program and raffled off a side of beef. We had 3,500 people for our opener against the dreaded Seattle Cavaliers. They were big, tough and fast. They had years of experience and we had NONE. They also had Bob Cason, the fastest, best athlete I ever saw play in the league next to Ron Baines. Bob could throw a bullet falling down. He could run a 10-flat hundred and was built like a wide receiver. Cason was a big fish in a little pond. He threw so accurately and so hard that many balls bounced off the chests of his receivers. They caught enough to whip us 28-0 before our home crowd. Not an auspicious start.Cason had a tryout with the Washington Redskins in the strike-shortened 1972 season. They wanted to make him a wide-receiver as they had Sonny Jurgensen. He did not make the cut after that.
Walla Walla Union-Bulletin
Tuesday, July 13, 1976
running back, signed. Mark Wahl, Dan Shepherd, Brad Kramer, Al Knapp and Keith Muehr, kickers; Herb Singleton and Scott Christman, quarterbacks; Dwaine Copeland and Clifton Marcus, running backs: Bob Cason, defensive back, and Ned Deane, linebacker, cut.
From: Bob Cason
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 1:35 PM
Hi my name is Bob Cason and I was a free agent signed as a quarterback and moved to defensive back when camp started. The Seahawks were my second free agent signing, I had been in the Redskins camp prior to that. I was not fortunate enough to make the final roster but have found memories about the experience. I was from Seattle so the opportunity provided was a special one for me. My college career was spent at the University of Puget Sound, and I was playing Semi-Pro when I signed with Seattle. I am still in Seattle and have owned my own insurance agency for 30 years. Thanks for allowing me to express my thoughts.