No. 12 Fan

Inside the Seahawks
By Leonard Grove, Washington

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I have been a devout Hawk fan since the beginning of time...Steve Largent should be President...Ken Easley for Attorney General and Dan Doornink for Foreign Relations. I had the pleasure of meeting some of these fantastic personalities years at one time I was drawing cartoons for the "Inside the Seahawks" magazine of which Mr. Easley owned at the time. .....then the strike came about and Ken was "elected" to be the west coast rep and subsequently traded to the Cardinals and of course had kidney problems that terminated his brillant career. At the beginning of the strike the Hawks were practicing at a middle school in Kirkland that my 10 year old daughter was attending....and after school she commented to her classmates that her pappy knew Ken Easley and drew cartoons for his mag and was immediately jeered for spinning tall, what must have been a collosal act of courage for a ten year old..she approached Ken and blurted out..."Do you know my dad?" That resulted in the query..."Who is your dad?" and my daughter gave him the name and he warmly responded with a brief chat that freaked her friends out... In any event it must have taken a great deal of courage to approach Ken...but that is the caliber of pro athletes to stop and visit with a 10 year old girl.

Does anyone out there know where Ken Easley is now, and where is Rusty Tillman? Thank you.

Long live the Hawks! This is our year...Stir up the Raider fans!!!!!!!

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