No. 12 Fan

The Rest is History
By Mdyson, New York

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Living in Northern New York, and never having been further west than Chicago I can't really say that I have a feel good Seahawk story. What I can say is I've been a loyal fan since 1984 when Kenny Easley, Steve Largent and Jacob Green ruled the 'hawks. I was ten years old at the time having moved to America from the United Kingdom two years earlier. Suffice to say I knew nothing about football, what I did know was that the Seahawks had the coolest looking helmets I had ever seen. The rest as they say is history.

Every year since then, every year has been the Seahawks year to me. I can remember debating with my friends that Dan Mcguire was the answer at quarterback, or that Rick Mirer was going to lead us to the big-game, and every year it's ended in disappointment. Which only lasts until draft day when Seattle picks its next savior.

My fondest memories of the Seahawks are buying a Steve Largent rookie card for 0.75 cents and running all the way home to show my parents, and the blue corduroy Seahawks hat I wore for five years because you couldn't get Seahawks stuff in New York. Since then I have followed the team while I was in basic training (week old papers) in Panama for two years, and now in Georgia where everybody and their uncle loves that other bird team. Am I a true fan? I think so. Anybody who marks 15 years of support for the team this season and has been through more thin than they would care to remember, can call themselves True Blue.

In conclusion I'd like to say Go Hawks, I hate the Raiders, and I'm the only person that was happy to see John Elway retire.

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