No. 12 Fan

Seahawks #12
By Andy Ley, England

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I'm a massive fan of the Seahawks and I live in England. I started supporting the Seahawks back in 1986 when I was only 10 years old. At that time there was a craze in England where they sold bubble gum and with it you got a football helmet with a team logo on it. As you can probably guess I got a Seahawks one. As coincidence would have it I found out that the featured game that Sunday on TV was the Seahawks against the Raiders. To this day I still can't remember the result, but never the less, I was hooked on two guys. One wore number 17, and the other 80. Since then I have taken much ridicule about the team I support. But my most proud moment was being at Jacksonville in their first season where we beat the Jags 45-30. That was the game Joey Galoway scored his amazing reverse. And he finished up just yards away from me. I would dearly love to get a copy of that game. I am a bigger fan now because I understand the game more. I even play here in England. I'm a quarterback and in respect for the great man himself, I wear 17.

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