No. 12 Fan

Die Hard Fan
By David Davis, Tennessee

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My name is Dave Davis. I'm a Seahawk Die Hard Fan. I think I might be one of the oldest fans left in existence.

I was 10 years old when I was watching an NFL special and they were putting on the stickers on the newly formed expansion teams. I watched them slap The mighty Seahawk on and it was love at first sight. I saw how people from Alaska flew in to watch them play and I loved them more. Only problem in the seventies you didn't get cable and I lived in the wrong Washington. I lived near DC. Redskin country.

I stayed up and watched them play their first Monday night game against the Raiders. They were Awesome!!! Zorn was scrambling, Largent was snatching. They were going for it on fourth down. We faked punts and our plump kicker even caught a pass and ran for his life diving down at the one yard line. We beat the hated Raiders and I could have no other allegiance to any other team. I am a DIE HARD fan through and through. True and BLUE... GO SEAHAWKS! WE love Ya.

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