No. 12 Fan

My Seahawks Story!
I want a jersey too!!
By Pat Hickey, North Carolina

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Having grown up most of my adolescent life not enjoying (understanding the rules to be more exact) most sports I thought it was rather interesting how I became a Seahawks fan.

I grew up a couple of years in the San Juaquin valley of California before being blessed into moving to the Evergreen State of Washington (Kelso to be precise). I always kind of hated California (no offense meant to you poor people stuck there!) and was really happy to leave. Washington offered so much more. A slower pace, warmer people, and immense amounts of beauty.

It was there that I stumbled across this team, kind of awkward in a weird way (I mean good gosh, a football team all the way up there?). They had it all with the great colors, solid players, and a huge amount of team support. That is one of the things that really got me. They loved there team more than anything, and the team loved them right back.

Like I mentioned prior, I hadn't really a clue to the rules, so the games really don't stick out that much in my memory. But I knew I wanted to love this team as well. As destiny would have it for a hapless youth unsure of the direction to take right out of high school, I joined the military, and requested schooling in Idaho Falls, Idaho just so I would be redeposited back on the west coast, close to my team. No such luck when dealing with the demands of the U.S. Submarine force and the needs of Uncle Sam. He felt I needed to be in Norfolk, Virginia. Thus I went.

Being in a submarine offers a lot of opportunities. The opportunity not to see most football games, as the antenna and cable tend not to work at (classified) depths. So for 6 or so years I pretty much went without the Seahawks. I always wore my garb, be it a hat or jersey. And needless to say, those were the beginnings of the dreaded Behring years, so the jokes and comments flowed like water. "A Seahawk fan.....don't ya know they suck?" "Seachicken fan" or the outright "Loser!!!" With wonderful picks like Stouffer and the controversial Bosworth, it didn't make it difficult for people to slam ya.

But you know, I still knew people back home, and they (not all of them mind you, just the truest bluest of the bunch) still loved their Hawks. So I did as well. I have the greatest opportunities to meet some the games most dedicated fans while being a Seahawk supporter. Behring gave them every chance in the world to jump ship and go with a better team. They wouldn't. There was the temptation to skip the game, 'cause you knew you were gonna get blown wide out. They still came. And when Behring gave them the chance to finally rid themselves of the losing presence in Seattle (earthquakes, hmmmmm how novel!), they fought for their team and kept it in Seattle. These are the demonstrations, the examples that have held me close to OUR team.

You now see a resurgence in the fans back to the Hawks. I don't mind it, it is good for the team and the sport. But what makes me feel really good inside is knowing I was a fan when most didn't even want to be associated with those "losers". The hours spent on my knees in front of the TV praying for that miracle interception (or blocked kick in the Oilers game Whoooo Hooooo!), the jeering I've endured at games in Pittsburgh, Jacksonville, Washington, and Cincinnati, and the fears that my OUR team would move away will all be vilified when we take a place as SuperBowl Champions. I am a fairly grown man, 33 young years, but you will see this boy's cheeks streaked with heartfelt joyful tears after the final second ticks off that clock and WE are SuperBowl champs.

Thank you true blue fans for helping me stay the course. Thank you Paul Allen for keeping the best team in the league in its rightful spot. Thank you Becky Selm for giving the best fans a place to come and read and write about the best team.

Go Seahawks!

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