Would you just look at those uniforms?!? (Sure it's OK to look at Morris too, he's great!)
Oooooh, I like them! I know now, for sure, that I want to buy the white jersey!! Last week I wasn't taken with the uniforms -- I thought they looked too dark for television but this week WE LOOKED SO GOOD!!
If I may be a girlie for just a minute longer (come on guys, just a short minute, OK?!?) I'll say this: I'd loooove to have a #12 white jersey and a pair of shimmer-jeans the color of the blue in the sleeves. That would be SO awesome!
OK OK, back to football! The game, the game ... yes, there ARE some positives to report despite the grumblings of fans like myself. :-)
Ken Lucas had an outstanding game! His interception was sooooo sweet, and he had some other great defensive plays. Shawn Springs was moving around out there as if his injuries are a thing of the past. (Fingers crossed.) He had a great end zone defensive play and made a diving catch out of bounds on another play. I thought Tim Terry played well. Anthony Simmons is rock solid. Reggie Tongue, benched a couple of years ago and considered a disappointment, had a great game! We saw a lot of great plays by Lamar King who has indeed come back from injury to be noticed this season! Koren Robinson had an awesome reception with a lot of fight after the catch, and Maurice Morris continues to amaze me with his speed and feist! Darrell Jackson is going to be one of my favorites this season, I just know it!! His 37 yard reception was sweeeeeeet! Kaz continues to play with speed and power and he's so charismatic you can't help but love him!
Our special teams unit is coming along fine. Personally I miss Charlie Rogers, but Bobby Engram has shown some positives. I worry a bit when we have a receiver like Engram running back the kick-offs, worried about the possibility of injury but that's just something I need to get over! Feagles maintains unquestioned ability. There ARE a lot of positives to be found on the 2002 Seahawks squad!
There are some negatives too, unfortunately.
I don't understand how our offensive line played so well in the first quarter last week with Dilfer and so pitiful since then. They must provide some protection for Hasselbeck. We have a struggling QB, this is the time for the O-line to step up and make a statement.
Everyone loves Shaun Alexander, but even Shaun wasn't able to make anything happen in the short exposure he received with the starting corps last night. I haven't read any grumblings about his performance in my in-box, surely a sign that the fans are pointing the finger at the o-line. Another sign of all of us being enamored with Shaun is that no one seemed to hold a grudge when Shaun dropped a screen pass. The honeymoon period is indeed sweet as we embrace our future star.
Hasselbeck IS our answer for the moment, like it or not. What I saw last night has left me greatly concerned. I'm not ready by any means to chuck in the season and I hope that Seahawks fans will rally behind Hasselbeck as long as he's still our starting quarterback. I think we all agree that he has a long way to go.
The press this week concerning Hass disturbs me. Quotes from Jim Zorn, whom I greatly admire, seemed unusually harsh to me. ("We practice throwing off-balance throws, but he was really, really ugly. It was bad.") Quotes from Matt himself were downbeat. This is a time for building Matt, not bringing him down. He's got to get some confidence and we need to let him do what he does best. I DO have faith in our coaching staff; I'm choosing to be optimistic that they'll get this worked out before the regular season and I intend to ignore as much of the negative press as possible.
On a mostly unrelated note, I am livid at Mike Holmgren for the commercial that aired twice during the game. I thought about this last night and all morning, trying to find a way that I'm looking at this wrong but I'm still struggling with it.
He has time to make commercials for Motorola when the team is struggling like we are??? (He was wearing the new sideline shirt and our new helmet was in the background, so it's a recently-made commercial.)
In the commercial, Holmgren is having a chat, saying that "in this day and age" we need "bigger, sharper, more powerful" receivers. He talks about growth. He says he needs a new receiver. It's a somber commercial in which he finally says, "I'm going to have to let you go," and then, "It's going to be OK." The camera then pans to the television set to which he was speaking.
That screams TACKY to me!!! Can you imagine being a rookie player who put your heart, soul and body on the line to make the team only to be cut, and then to hear Mike Holmgren do this commercial? "We have to let you go, but it will be OK."
Can you imagine being a veteran player who devoted blood, sweat and tears to the team only to be slowed by age and injury and finally cut from the team?
I'm thinking that this commercial MUST feel like a knife in the heart to some players. Maybe I need a sense of humor, but it seems to me as if he's almost poking fun of players he's cut.
I'm not going to dwell on it but it doesn't sit well with me. I felt it was inappropriate from all angles. Moving right along...
Once again, it was interesting to see a new coach on the sidelines. Marty Schottenheimer seemed a bit more mellow throughout the game than we've seen on the sidelines in the past but I'm sure that will change as the season approaches! It was interesting to see Vanover and Edwards on the squad for the Chargers. Darren Bennett again received rave reviews for his consistency in the kicking game.
When #17 stepped on to the field (our own Jeff Kelly), the announcers started talking about the Original #17, Dave Krieg! I had to laugh when they said he was liable to throw it "side armed, under-handed, behind his back, anything to make things happen!" And then they summed it up as best I can: "Dave was fun."
If you have comments, send them in and I'll get them posted here!!