Mega Congratulations to Emmitt Smith for breaking the all-time rushing record that was previously held by the great Walter Payton! That was really something to see!!
And congrats to the Hawks who fought hard to win their second game of the season! Hasselbeck moved us downfield efficiently and Lindell's field goal went through the uprights when we needed it! Way to go, Hawks!!!
The tragedy of the game is the injury to Trent Dilfer. Achilles tendon -- out for the season. We will miss Trent very much, especially his veteran leadership and the spirit he brings to the team. If it's any consolation however, I thought Hasselbeck showed a lot of confidence in today's game. May that continue throughout the season!
Darrell Jackson took a vicious hit late in the game that stopped my heart momentarily! Pat Summerall thought it was a perfectly legal hit but it sure looked like a nasty helmet hit to me, and the way Darrell flopped like a rag doll was so scary. He got up eventually though (way to go, Darrell!) and we got a 15 yard advance to keep that drive alive. I just hope Darrell is OK, 'cause that one looked painful.
You know, I'm having a very difficult time getting into this victory. The game, right up to the final quarter, was boring. It's a little difficult to get pumped when the win brings us to 2-5 on the season, but I'm also thinking back to last week's loss against St. Louis. I was walking out of the Edward Jones Dome in St. Louis with my daughter, both of us wearing Seahawks jerseys, when two Rams fans assaulted us. They were young, drunk, boisterous, and in our faces, pushing us and shouting that the Seahawks suck. I tried to tell them that they were celebrating a victory over a 1-5 team, but they wouldn't stop yelling long enough to listen.
Yeah, we won today, but it's not as though we beat a world class team. And it's not as though we looked impressive doing so. We barely squeaked by, which is OK -- a victory is a victory. But we've got a long way to go to get bragging rights.
Gooooooooooooooo Seahawks! I'll be cheering for you all over again next week!
If you have comments, send them in and I'll get them posted here!!