We got over the hill this time!!! Woooo Hoooo Seahawks!!!
Before I go any further, I want to welcome Darrell Jackson back into this week's lineup! With Darrell's quotes on the top of each page, it's only fitting to pay tribute to him! He has returned from the serious head injury that caused a seizure after the game a few weeks ago. He's back, he's better than ever, and he played a sensational game! Welcome back, Mr. Jackson!! We're glad to have you back!
Since we're talking about receivers, how 'bout that Jackson/Robinson/Engram trio?!?! Are they awesome or what!? It seems to me that Koren Robinson built up some self-confidence in Jackson's absence, and now that both of them are on the field they seem to complement each other beautifully! hee hee! I love it! Add the ever-dependable Bobby Engram to the mix and we've finally got the receiving corps we've been looking for all season!
Of course, the wide receivers are only as good as the quarterback and this week Matt Hasselbeck was just about as perfect as a QB can be!! This is the Hasselbeck that we knew existed -- we saw him play in the pre-season a year ago -- but haven't seen at game time! Until today! Even the biggest doubters have to pat him on the back for this game! He was too cool!!
How 'bout Shaun Alexander?! He finally got his running game going, as did Priest Holmes on the other side of the ball! Was it a terrific offensive showdown or what?!?!
Defense had some problems, but they came up with some big plays too! The interception in the end zone prior to half-time was crucial!! That's the kind of stuff that turns games around. Huff was awesome, managing to control his feet just perfectly!
Hey! Did you all see Holmgren pump his fists into the air when Jerramy Stevens scored that touchdown?!?! I couldn't believe it!! Holmgren!! Showing excitement!! He even almost jumped up and down! I thought maybe it was an imposter but I'm pretty sure it was the real Mike Holmgren on the sidelines!! That was too cool! I wish he'd do that more often. It makes the game so much more fun when it looks like the coach cares.
And it was really good to see our boys supporting each other with high 5's and slaps on the back and victory head butts! :-) They looked like they were having fun for what, the second or third time this season? It felt sooooooooooo good to see positives! These past few weeks have been draining on me. (And you, and the players and the coaching staff, etc., etc., etc.) We've had some games where there simply was nothing to be optimistic about. We certainly can't expect to have all our problems ironed out in one good game, but at least we have something to go on. We know it's possible, and now we have a lot of positive things to focus on!
You go, Hawks!!! You gave us a thrill and we're ready for more!