I'm feeling dejected.
[long pause]
If you all see the positives, TELL ME!! I'm just not seeing much to get excited about. We have a good defensive series and then the offense turns the ball over. We have a good offensive series but we can't get the points. We have a tremendous play, either on offense, defense or special teams ... only to turn around and botch the next one. Inconsistency is killing us.
The players seem more relaxed than they've been all year. Is that a sign of giving up, that we can't get any worse so we might as well give it our best and have fun? I like seeing the smiles on the field, the pats on the back and the chumming around. It makes the game fun. But I don't for the life of me know where they're finding those smiles.
It's just hard to look at Holmgren these days. The expression on his face at the end of a loss is almost more than I can take. If you don't know what I mean, go to the Seattle P-I and look at their photo archives. They've captured the look on film many times.
I don't know what to say about the game except that it's over, and let's get Kansas City on Sunday.
If you have comments, send them in and I'll get them posted here!!