"Just do things right. That should be our slogan. Do things right. If you do things right, you're all right with him. He's happy, you're happy and we're winning."
" -- Seattle Seahawk Shawn Springs
Training Camp 2000
I invite any of you to send me your stories from camp! And pictures too if you have some! I'd love to post them on-line
to share with other fans! What do I have in mind? Check out these reports from Training Camp 1999, Training Camp 1998 and Training Camp 1997.
Well, we didn't make it to Training Camp on our way to or home from
Seattle (We had a great time, by the way. Went to the Experience Music
Project -- amazing!... but that's another story.)
But finally today we made it out there.
We went to the morning practice and it was nice and cool. They've got the field
set up a bit more "fan friendly" too. There was actually a set of bleachers in the
meager shade that exists! But first we stood at the waist-high fence and watched
the offensive and defensive lines practice blocking from about 30 yards away! What
fun! You were right there on the field with them, listening to the coach give
advice...what a great coach he was too...don't know for sure who he was
(I think the coaches should have to wear names on their shirts!), Larry Brooks maybe?
(Defensive Line Coach), doesn't matter. He was very encouraging, followed by a way
to make it better. I was very impressed.
And they were looking good... quick, eager to learn, all that good stuff.
I was
struck once again by the reverence the crowd displays. They're very quiet and speak
in hushed tones, yet respond to any good play. The crowd was smaller than I remember,
but maybe it's because it was the morning session and we usually go in the afternoon.
(Although I have heard the crowds are smaller; the scrimmage drew only 5500 people or
so. Last year I think it was over 8,000!)
Every 20 minutes or so they sound the horn and change what they're doing. While we
were watching the linemen, there were other groups sprinkled about the field doing
their own thing. Now they're starting a half-field scrimmage. It's also just on the
other side of the fence. So amazing to be so close. Craig said it's like being on
the sidelines at a game! (How cool would that be??)
Ricky Watters is carrying the ball, but can't make any yards. "Somebody stop these
boys," he says! Finally he gets past them and just keeps on going into the guys
watching, patting one of them on the head. Anthony Simmons says "Whassup, Punk!"
The crowd loved that!
Ricky Watters was so pumped and so into it... it was great to see at a PRACTICE!!
Kitna looked okay. His arm was sore yesterday and didn't practice, so maybe he wasn't
really cutting loose, and it was half-field... Foley and Huard looked strong, too.
Brock Huard has the huskiest voice! And speaking of voices, one of the coaches and
I don't know who because I only heard him and didn't really see him, had a voice that
carried quite a distance and over other sounds like you wouldn't believe...and he
sounded just like Jesse Ventura! BEEP! Time to move on...
Now they're kicking field goals. They've got some funky little net that's set way
too low to stop any balls. They're landing just up from where we're standing.
Kids are scrambling after them to throw them back. (Altho I did hear one kid say, "I
thought I'd get to keep it!") We walked around the site at this point, wandered
through the requisite gift shop and didn't buy the hat I want, but I probably will
next time we go. And they didn't have any fun accessories this year. Pretty
straight-forward t-shirts and hats and such... Then we went and sat in the bleachers
in the shade and watched some more scrimmaging. Alexander IS fun to watch!
Our newspaper's been calling him "Alexander the Great." (Okay, they're not the most
original...) And like I said, Ricky was so pumped and so fun to watch.
About this time Craig got a crisis call...so we had to leave, but they were done
anyway. We didn't go to the autograph session so don't know how that went.
Next time we'll bring some kids with us and do that too. Hopefully soon!
And we didn't get any pictures...
So, there you have it! My Training Camp Experience!
And from Marolyn...
We did go to training camp. It was a last minute thing. I am so glad we
went. I got lots of pictures with players. They were so nice to us. I am
getting the pictures developed today. They had a big barbeque for us on
Saturday night. We knew we were having a surprise guest and it ended up
to be Dave Kreig. He retired as a Seahawk. It was fantastic. I got a
picture with him and he signed Jim's hat. I was regretting not bringing my
alumni cards with me. Oh well, who knew? Anyway, we had a very good time
and will for sure go again next year.
Again from Karyn...
We went to the End Zone store in Seattle. You were there, weren't you?
It's got just about everything. We bought Jake the cutest little Seahawks jacket
for his 2nd birthday. I love that store! I covet that neon Seahawk they have!
Seattle was big fun.
Thanks, Karyn and Marolyn, for the Training Camp reports!
ANY other fans -- please feel free to send pictures and reports and I'll post them right here!!!